Chapter 14

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"Where are we going?"

"I have no idea."

"How do you not know where we're going? You're literally in the lead."

"And I'm leading you around Asgard!"

Sylvie groans, exasperated. And here she was, thinking Loki was going to show her something that would be somewhat interesting. What a fool she was, thinking Loki had a plan. Loki never has a plan.

Loki looks over at her. "You've never met Heimdall, have you?"

"Probably not," Sylvie says. She met a few of Loki's friends at dinner, but she was so overwhelmed by everything, she hardly remembers who was there, and she certainly doesn't remember any names.

"I should introduce you," Loki says. He turns around and gestures for her to follow right back where they came. "You know how to ride a horse, I presume."

Sylvie scoffs. "Of course I know how to ride a horse."

Loki puts his hands up in a mock surrender. "I was just checking. I don't know if they have horses in apocalypse world."

"Why would they not have horses in apocalypse world?" Sylvie asks, incredulous. "Apocalypse world is just a normal world where there is an apocalypse. Did you think horses disappeared at the beginning of every apocalypse?"

"I don't know! I was just asking!"

Sylvie just looks at him, and slowly, her face creeps up into a smile. When he sees her smiling, he smiles, too. He's so ridiculous.

"Come on," Loki says. "Let's find a ride."

So that's what they do. The stable isn't very far away – for as long as they've been out walking, they haven't gotten very far from the palace – and as Loki heads in, Sylvie finds herself stopping in the doorway, looking around at all the horses peeking their horsey heads out of the stalls.

Asgard has some beautiful horses. They're all beautiful, which is almost suspicious. What do they do with the ugly horses? Do they kill them? Eat them? Are Asgardian horses just all beautiful by default?

She wonders which one she'll get to ride. What will it be like? An obedient horse? One who follows her every command before she's even made it? Perhaps a snacker who will grab the occasional leaf on the way down. She'd assume the palace has no disobedient horses, but if there is one, she'd like to take it. She herself was written off by the TVA for being disobedient. She'd like to give the horses the same second chance she's been given.

Loki opens the door to one of the stalls, and Sylvie takes a few steps closer, trying her best to see what this horse is like beyond its big head sticking up.

"We can't take Sleipnir," Loki says, "but I figured I'd introduce you while we're here."

Sylvie raises a brow. "You're introducing me to a horse?" Is Heimdall a horse, too? She likes horses, but she's really hoping this whole thing hasn't just been about horses.

"He's a special horse," Loki says, like that explains anything. To the horse, he coos, "C'mere, boy. Come see Sylvie."

She doesn't expect much. She can already see his face. He's pretty, but he's not all that interesting. She doesn't expect to change her mind.

As soon as Sleipnir is out in the open, she changes her mind.

"Uh, Loki?" she asks slowly. "Why does your horse have so many legs?"

"Nobody knows," Loki tells her. "But he's been Father's most trusted horse longer than I've been alive." He reaches up and scratches beneath his chin. "And he's my favorite – but don't tell the other horses."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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