Chapter 8

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Mobius has never slept so soundly in his life.

This is what Loki grew up with? Giant rooms? Comfy beds? Fluffy pillows? Seven million blankets to pick and choose from? He could get used to this!

He flat-out refuses to get out of bed when he wakes up. It's just too damn comfortable. He's not moving until Loki comes in and physically drags him out of bed himself. And why should he? If he's supposed to stay in his room until Loki grabs him anyway, he might as well stay in bed the whole time.

But after drifting in and out of consciousness a few times, he starts to get a little bored. Rather reluctantly, he crawls out of bed. He started to look around last night, but between getting pruned and going to the Void and going back to the TVA and then meeting up with Loki and Sylvie again and then going to Earth and then coming to Asgard and just ugh, he was exhausted. His new bed was easily the most appealing thing in the room.

So he takes this time to look around now. He looks through the drawers in the bureau, and he's unsurprisingly met with clothing. He looks in the closet. More clothing. He looks in the drawer of his nightstand. That one's just empty. The drawers of the vanity are just as empty, save the comb and the hairbrush in the top. Everything is so empty and clean. It's nice, but it's sort of ominous, too.

Mobius sighs and plops down on the foot of his bed.

And now he's bored again.

He looks down at his silky Asgardian pajamas. Maybe he should take this time to get changed. He heads over to the closet and begins flipping through outfits. Honestly, he has no idea what he's looking at. He doesn't know how they work. He doesn't know how they go on. Some of them, he doesn't even know what he's looking at. Asgardian clothing is fucking weird, man.

So he slips his TVA suit back on instead. He'll wear this for now. He'll at least wear it for breakfast. Maybe after, he'll ask Loki to show him how to wear Asgardian clothes – or, alternatively, where he could find more TVA-like suits to cycle through and hopefully wash on a semi-regular basis.

Now what does he do?

He feels like he's been up for hours. That might just be his boredom talking or his ever-building enthusiasm over exploring Asgard, but it feels like it's been forever. He's getting really impatient with this whole "waiting" thing.

Finally, he gives up. He's gonna get this ball rolling himself if Loki's not going to do it for him. He gives himself a once-over in the mirror – he wants to make a good first impression with any Asgardians he may meet today – and heads out the door. He heads to Loki's room down the hall and knocks on the door.


Mobius furrows his brows. Okay... He knocks on the door again, a bit louder this time. He's once again met with silence. He tries calling Loki's name, but there's no response.

Mobius sighs. How does a guy sleep through all that?

He heads to Sylvie's room instead. He knocks on the door–

But the door's not quite latched, so it opens as soon as he touches it. He says a very quick, "Sorry!" and closes the door, but then he pauses. Did he even see her in there? He's not sure he did. He wasn't really looking, but he feels like he should have at least caught a glimpse as he closed the door.

Mobius knocks again. "Sylvie? You awake?"


Mobius sighs. Well, here goes nothing. He slowly opens the door again, giving her ample opportunity to tell him to shut it. When it's open all the way, he looks around. She's nowhere to be seen. That's weird.

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