Chapter 12

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The first thing Loki does when he wakes up in the morning is go check on Sylvie.

It's ridiculous, he's sure. They'd spent half the night together before they reluctantly agreed to return to the palace, and she was fine all the while. She was better than fine, even. She seemed happy – truly, genuinely happy, in a way he doesn't often get to see. But after last night, he just wants to be sure that she's doing alright, just in case.

He knocks on the door, gently enough not to wake her if she's still asleep, but it seems he was worried about that for no reason, because she answers with a quiet, groggy, "Yeah?"

"Just... checking in," he says awkwardly. He really didn't think of what he would say if she answered him, which is ridiculous because he wanted her to answer him. He's awful at this.

He tries not to put too much thought into what the "this" is. He's not sure he's ready to admit that yet, even to himself.

"You can come in," she mumbles.

Loki opens the door, and he's met with the sight of a room very much like his own. These really are the most boring, standard empty rooms in existence, aren't they? He would very much prefer his own chambers to these dull, lifeless guest rooms.

Sylvie's sprawled out in bed, her face pressed into her pillow and her body half-out of the blankets. She turns her head, and her hair flops in her face. How she can see him, he can't even fathom.

Loki leans against the doorframe, a slight smirk on his lips. "You look comfortable."

"Mm," she hums.

"The bed was alright?" he asks, though he suspects he knows the answer.

"Mm-hmm," she hums. "Getting used to it." She brings her hand to her face and lazily brushes the hair out of her eyes. "Should I get up?"

"That's your choice," he tells her. "There's nowhere we need to be if you'd rather stay in bed."

"Mm." She just closes her eyes again, a look of contentment on her face.

Loki folds his arms over his chest, watching her with a small smile on his lips. She's so cute; just a sleepy little girl who's finally found the perfect sleepy bed. He's glad he came in to check on her, if only because it means he gets to see this. He's still getting used to seeing her happy. Seeing her half-awake is a whole new kind of precious.

He takes a step back and out of the room, reaching for the doorknob. He'll let her get some rest. Maybe he'll come back in an hour or so and see if she's more awake then.

"Where're you going?" she mumbles.

Loki pauses where he stands, brows raised. Her eyes are closed. How did she...?

Well, she is a goddess. Maybe he shouldn't be surprised.

"Back to my room," he says. "You can come get me when you're ready. I won't leave without you."

"Mm-mm," she mumbles.

Loki just looks at her. "No?" he repeats, amused.

"Stay here."

"You want me to stay?" he repeats. "Stay where? On the windowsill?" Although, he must admit, the ledge on the windowsill looks like it could make a nice seat if there was some sort of cushion on top.

Sylvie rolls over and pats the space she's just freed up in bed.

Loki stares at her. "You want me... in your bed." That's a little much, isn't it? This feels like they're moving too fast. They can't just...

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