chapter 4

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His lips were soft and cold, after her pulled away and let go of my throat he gave me a smile.

" You belong to me, you understand that?" He whispered before opening the door again. I nodded and followed him through.
The boys all cheered and gave us a round of whistles, I blushed they must have heard everything.

" Alright guys calm down." Andy said smiling, I couldn't stop thinking about our kiss, did that mean at much to him as it did to me?
I don't know why I liked it so much, why I liked him so much, maybe it was because he was impossibly good looking- so kind and gentle with me.

He grabbed my hand and raised it to his lips.

" Just remember Lea, he is a monster. I wouldn't get too intimate." CC laughed the boys all exchanged looks.
I thought about that for a second, what that would be like. His cold skin against my bodies most sensitive parts. Wether he would be as gentle as he has been or a complete beast- my mind trailed off and I looked up to see all four boys staring at me, I was suddenly very self aware. I blushed and looked to Andy, his eyes were wide and I could tell he was thinking. Was it about me? Physically? He nodded.

The rest of the evening went well, we all sat and talked and got used to each other, eventually the fear of me being surrounded by vampires subsided and I actually started to enjoy their company.
After the boys left Andy and I stayed on the couch.

" Why is marking a human a crime?" I asked, he tensed and turned to me.

" Well, when you're marked. It means you're one of us, see." He rolled up his sleeve to reveil two perfect bite marks on his wrist.
" I was turned, I am now one of them. But if you mark a human and don't turn them, you put our species at risk. We are meant to be myth and legends. If we were real. People would hunt us down, kill us." My eyes widened.

"Okay- so that leads me on to my next subject." I started
" Who wanted me dead?"  He grabbed my hand, rubbing my knuckles with his fingers.

" The are called the elders. Andy elder group of vampires, they are some on the first to walk the earth. They control who stays and goes, they are involved in politics, police, medical care. They are notified of it all. " He said, I saw where this was going.

"Because your father is a man involved in office. You came onto our radar, it was predicted you would run into one of us and expose us and with your father being in the position he is. It was deemed you are a threat to us." He said looking at me.

" But I see no threat here." He finished leaning in, kissing my forehead. I smiled and looked at him.

" Andy. I will do whatever it takes to keep your secret. I know you've technically ruined my life but I have no intention of hurting you." I said I don't know why I felt the need to declare it.
I could tell by the expression in his eyes he appreciated it.

" Anyways, lea. I brought you some presents." He said going to the bags from his shopping spree earlier that day. He left a bag on he kitchen table and brought the rest to me.

There were lots of clothes and shoes, packs of bras and underwear, hairbands and toiletries, a bottle of perfume and make up products.

" Fuck sake Andy. You spent thousands." I exclaimed, looking at everything- he smiled.

"You've got everything you need. When it's safer we can go out and buy things for hobbies and such." He said beaming from ear to ear.
I started trying on various band tees and hoodies, the several pairs of trainers and boots he got me. All perfect to my size.

"I'm going to put this all away!" I said gathering the bits and bobs and carrying them upstairs, Andy lent me a helping hand ensuring everything was put away perfectly.

Going back down I noticed the bag he didnt give to me, I read the label on the bag, Lylas stage. A well known female clothing store.
Curiosity got the best of me and I opened the bag, noticing various items of lace and silk, one particular item that caught my eyes. A blood red teddy.

" I didn't know if you were a lace girl or home comforts girl. So I brought both. Don't feel obliged to wear them." He said. I raised an eyebrow

" Do you want me to wear them?" He looked me up and down

" You should get some sleep." He smiled before grabbing the bag and putting them in my room. That man knew how to be a tease.

I wonder if he really would be a beast.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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