A sorry note

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Hey dear readers...
I just want to say a sorry if you thinks ki I have did any injustice with Rohit's character aur make him more guilty... I don't know How I did this but believe me I gave my best. I just want to convey a message ki plzz never believe in the buttery stories of the third person and can't do anything wrong in your relationship by coming in someone's toxic gossips... Vi and Rits hide the truth bcoz vi cares for Ro.. I agree that they were decide to love each other after her Marriage but as she got married with Ro she never betrayed him.. Never do anything wrong with him.. All the time she deny Virat and got affected by Ro's good intentions...soon Virat also moved on and decide to Live his life with anu... They hide the truth only for his wellfare... I agree ki if someone would found such type of big truths then they will be angry but we can't deny the fact ki we have to listen the story before reacting... And we all know the base of love is believe, trust, faith.. But Ro shows no faith in her... He don't give her a sec to describe her side story.... He got manipulated by sneha and karan.. And Rits is the only victim who suffered in all this.... She Lost her love both the times... And people excepts ki she can't even say a word in her favour...I'm a very big fan of Ro so How can I made him a villain yaar??
And the second thing is ki.. Bcoz of lack of time which I will not got bcoz of my studies.... May be I can't describe it in proper manner so sorry for that.. But my studies is my First priority..... I just wrote this book bcoz I feels bored in this past 2 months.. Aur just I want to entertain some peoples by my ideas... This is my First and last work.. I'm not a professional writter.
So sorry if you got hurt by my story.
I hope you will enjoy the last part which is going to publish either tomorrow or the next day.

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