Anni draws National attention

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Anni received an unexpected visit from Chief Harold, the head of the local police force. "Hi Anni, I'm Chief Harold," he greeted her warmly, his concern evident in his tone. "How's your recovery coming along?"

"Hi Chief," Anni replied with a small smile, adjusting herself in her hospital bed. "I should be out of the hospital in another week."

Chief Harold leaned in, his expression grave. "I wanted to let you know something important, Anni. The two men who shot you are part of a new extremist white-nationalist group called the Norsemen."

Anni's eyebrows furrowed in concern as she listened intently. "Their mission," Chief Harold continued, "is to wipe out anyone standing in the way of the former President's return to power and the purification of America."

As they talked further, discussing strategies to counter the message of hate and violence propagated by these groups, Chief Harold offered a word of caution. "Pushing back on the extremists, as you're doing, could invite more trouble," he warned.

Anni nodded, her expression resolute. "We've got to put a stop to this, Chief, or our democracy will be lost."

"I think you're right, Anni," Chief Harold agreed, his voice somber. "But please be careful how you put your message out. Many people are so deep into conspiracy theories that they may not listen."

"I know," Anni sighed, shaking her head. "Let me tell you about one of my workshops. An elderly woman approached me.  She had heard me talking about the Constitution in the City Council meeting and forcibly explained to me that, like the Bible, the Constitution was God-inspired and authored by God himself. When I tried to correct her by explaining that the Constitution makes no mention of God, she called me a liar.  I picked up a copy of the Constitution and asked her to show me.  She cursed me out telling me that the original version of the Constitution had been stripped of all references of God by the liberals and stormed out of the room."

Chief Harold listened attentively shaking his head as Anni recounted the encounter. "It's alarming how deeply ingrained these beliefs are," he remarked, concern etched on his face.

Before leaving, Chief Harold assured Anni that he would be stepping up security in the city. Anni thanked him earnestly as he departed.

In the days that followed, Anni found herself visited by several major news outlets, all eager to hear her story. She saw it as an opportunity to express her views on how extremist groups were corrupting democracy and her role in exposing them.

However, it wasn't long before former President Trump caught wind of Anni's story on Fox News. Seeing her as a threat to his rightful return to power, he couldn't resist making a comment about her in one of his speeches.

Have you all heard about this Anni woman? You know, the so-called hero librarian from that little town of who really cares, right? Well, let me tell you, folks, the fake news media is working overtime to paint her as some kind of hero. But let me tell you, she's nothing but a liberal puppet, pushing this radical leftist agenda in her city, all because the mayor, let me tell you, a tremendous mayor, and get this, he's also a pastor, one of the best we've ever seen, was accused of trying to rig the election.

Now, we all know who's really rigging elections in this country, don't we? It's the liberals and members of the deep state.  And this Anni woman, she's just another card-carrying member of the deep state, folks, working tirelessly to re-elect the worst president in history."  The crowd booed and hissed as Trump continued.  "Folks, she thinks she's got all the answers and she's got this fancy degree in social sciences, but you know what that really means? It means she's piled higher and deeper in liberal nonsense.

Now, let me be clear, folks, I can't condone the actions of those freedom fighters who took shots at her, but let's be honest, folks, she brought this upon herself. She's out there pushing all this liberal equality nonsense, inviting illegals and criminals into her town. And now she's playing the victim card, crying "poor little old me." Well, I've got news for you, folks: she made her bed, now she's got to lie in it.

And mark my words, when I get re-elected, one of the first orders of business will be to rid this country of her and people like her, and replace them with true patriots who are loyal to Trump and our America-first agenda. That's what we need, folks, and that's what we're going to get. Believe me.

Next up, Anni debates representative Marjorie Taylor Greene

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