Pastor Vic weaponizes the pulpit

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Grace and Pastor Vic decided to throw a dinner fundraising party for their friend Tommy, who is running against Anni. Tommy approached Grace and Vic, thanking them for organizing the event but expressing concerns about the attention and support Anni seemed to be garnering.

"Don't worry about that," Pastor Vic assured Tommy. "We've uncovered something in our background check that will discredit Anni and her campaign."

"What do you mean?" Grace inquired.

"We've discovered that Anni's mother is a Jew," Pastor Vic revealed. "According to some, this makes Anni a Jew, and we all know the rumors about Jewish plots to undermine our conservative values and control of the government."

Tommy and Grace visibly relaxed, reassured that they had something to use against Anni in the campaign.

"To further discredit Anni," Pastor Vic continued, "I've invited a surprise guest to lead Sunday's service: Pastor Rick Wiles. He'll help expose Anni's  connections to the Jewish plot to control the government and the control of our elector process."

When Sunday arrived, Pastor Rick Wiles took the podium, delivering a fiery sermon.

He wasted no time in mentioning Anni's Jewish heritage, warning the congregation not to trust her. He launched into a tirade against the "fake news" media, claiming they were controlled by Jewish interests and were part of a larger scheme to seize control of the government.

In his sermon, Pastor Wiles painted Anni as an enemy of God and an agent of evil, spreading fear and suspicion among the congregation. He urged them to reject Anni and her supposed agenda, framing the choice as one between standing with God or siding with the devil.

The congregation was left with a stark ultimatum: every vote for Anni, supposedly representing Jewish interests, was equated with supporting Satan himself.

The next day, Marie rushed into the library, her face etched with concern as she approached Anni. "Anni, people all over town are saying you're part of some sort of Jewish conspiracy to take control of the government. I thought you said you were Christian, a Catholic."

Anni replied calmly, "I'm both. I was born a Jew, but I'm a Christian by faith, saved through my belief in Jesus." She explained further, drawing an analogy that just as a person of Irish ancestry could be an American citizen, her religious belief and ethnicity were distinct.

Understanding dawned on Marie's face. "Oh, I get it," she said, relieved. "Well, we need to nip this in the bud right away before it gets out of hand. I think we need to do some outreach to the various groups in the city and hold a political rally to help explain your background. I think that will take the wind out of Pastor Vic and his wife's sails."

During subsequent meetings organized by Marie, Anni patiently reiterated her religious belief versus her ethnicity, addressing concerns and misconceptions. While most people listened attentively, some remained distrustful, influenced by Pastor Vic and Grace's conspiracy theories.

Anni challenged these theories with historical facts. She debunked notions of Jewish control of the media and secret organizations like the Freemasons or Illuminati, emphasizing the lack of credible evidence and the reliance on paranoia and misinformation. When asked about the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion," she explained its origins as a debunked forgery that originated in Russia in the early 20th century and is rooted in anti-Semitic stereotypes. It has been exposed as a fabrication by various investigations, including those conducted by journalists and historians

After a particularly confrontational meeting with members of Pastor Vic's congregation, Marie approached Anni with determination. "This is going to be a hard-fought battle, Anni, but I still think we have a chance. I think in these last two weeks leading up to the election, we should focus on the positivity of your candidacy. Pastor Vic and Grace are only turning people away with their constant barrage of hate speech."

Anni agreed, shifting her campaign strategy to emphasize inclusivity and respect for all citizens. While Pastor Vic and Grace continued their divisive rhetoric, Anni remained steadfast in her message of unity and compassion.

As Pastor Vic's sermons became increasingly filled with hate and conspiracy, attendance at his church began to decline. Other churches in the community took notice, amplifying messages of love and acceptance as taught by Jesus and aligning with Anni's cause.

Next up, election night

Rising Above: Anni's Campaign Against IntoleranceWhere stories live. Discover now