Chapter 5 - Night conversations and riddles

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Y/n's Pov

We drive along the tall skyscrapers and the moon follows us, lighting the way.
I lean my head against my arm, which is on the armrest, and watch the buildings fly by. The front windows are ajar. A cool breeze blows through the cabin. Wanda's hair is developing beautifully in the wind. I can see her reflection in the glass. She's driving and looking intently at the road. The watch on her arm gleams in the glare of the streetlights.
Her profile side. What beautiful cheekbones. You could cut yourself gently on them. Y/n stop. She's. Your. Mentor. But I can't help it. She's driving me crazy.

"How's the arm?" she asks me and casts a glance at my hand.

I look at my bandages and stroke it gently with my fingers.
"It hurts a little. But this will be a lesson to me. Think I needed a shake to make me realize something."

"That's clever. But you could have chosen a less drastic method." she looks at me and smirks.

"What if he'd gone further? For example, in your department..."

"He wouldn't." she interrupts me. "My place is fun, but not as fun as yours. Pietro would've nailed him..." she says the name with an accent.

"Pietro is..."

"My brother. A twin."

"You have a twin?! Cool!"

"Yeah. He's 12 minutes older than me."

"Where is he?"

"On vacation." she says this with a tremor in her voice. Her gaze dims and eyes glisten with tears coming. "On a very long and far away vacation."

Oh no... She's lost her brother. It's horrible. I wonder what happened to him.

"I'm sorry for your loss. So sorry..." I place my hand on her arm and stroke her knuckles as she shifts gears.

"He... I bet you're wondering what happened. Everyone always wonders. He was a lifeguard. He dreamed of being one since he was a kid. One day they got a call. There was an earthquake and many houses in our homeland were damaged. In Sokovia. Of course he was sent there. And he didn't mind helping the world himself. He ended up saving a boy but died." tears run down her cheeks, but she wipes them away with her hand and keeps on driving. "He was alive all the way to the hospital but was in coma for a long time. He couldn't be helped." She calms down and exhales.

"That's why you decided to become a doctor..." after a short silence, I decide to break the silence and tell my story. "I lost someone close to me too. My grandpa. He was a doctor. A very cool one. I always admired and wanted to be like him."

"What happened?"

"A heart attack."

"I'm sorry." she puts her hand on my knee and squeezes it.

Now I don't know how to lighten the mood.
We pull onto the highway. Skyscrapers hide in the reflection of the car's side mirror. The sky is studded with stars, but I can see heavy clouds in the distance, contrasting heavily against the moon.

"See that bright star?" I point my finger at the sky. "That's Pietro. And that's my grandpa over there. They'll always be there for us."

Wanda laughs wiping away her tears.
"Thank you, Y/n. You're very sweet."

We pull up to my house. It starts raining outside. We get out of the car and I walk up to Wanda.

"Thanks for the ride, Ms. Maximoff."

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