Chapter 4 - Have a good shift!

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Y/n's Pov

It's morning again. Another day. God, why do I have such a headache and need water? I don't even have the energy for running.
I'm starting to remember yesterday. Feel so embarrassed. How could I have gotten so drunk?
With my eyes closed, I reach for my phone. I get a few notifications.

Kate 🏹
Missed call

Unknown number
Missed call

Kate 🏹
R u alive sis?
You can't believe what happened yesterday
Damn r u still sleeping?

Good morning ☀️

Spider boy subscribed to you.

Looks like you forgot your Russian lessons again. You know what happens now!

What happens now? That green bird's gonna break into my house and kill me? That would be nice, considering my headache.
I'm looking at the time. 7:45 a.m. Damn it. I have to be on shift by 8:00. I quickly jump out of bed and immediately regret it, my head starts to spin. I don't stop and grope my way to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. Then I put on white t-shirt, blue shorts and my black Converse. I'll eat later. Now all I need to do is get a drink of water and make it to my shift. I grab my car keys, backpack and go to the garage to my old black Audi 90. I hope I don't get caught in traffic.

It takes me 13 minutes to get to the hospital. I get out of the car and realize how hot it is outside. I'm gonna die. I don't like hot weather.
I enter the hospital and run to the counter where Pepper is standing.

"Hi." I say out of breath.

"Hi, Y/n!"

"Has anyone been looking for me?"

"Tony and Natasha are waiting for you in the first shock room." she holds out a sheet and pen to me. "Sign right here."
Pepper points to the sheet.

I sign, put the pen down, and go to change.
I walk into the resident's room, throw my backpack on the couch, and open my locker.

Peter walks into the room.
"Hey, party killer!"

"Oh, shut up!"

"Come on, I'm kidding. Here you go," he holds out a bottle of water to me. "you don't look so good."

"In the same sentence you managed to prank me and save me." I take the bottle of water, open the cap sharply and drink it quickly. "Ahhhh... I'm in heaven. Thanks, P. Now let me get changed."

"Got it. Distancing myself." he smiles and raises his hands as if a gun was pointed at him. "Have a good shift!" he realized what he said and quickly covers his mouth with the palm of his hand. "I shouldn't have said that... I'm sorry..."

"Peter, just come out, please!" I sigh and desperately grab my scrubs.

I hope his words don't affect the day. There is an omen that doctors should not be wished a good or quiet shift. Something terrible is bound to happen after this or the shift will be rough.

I put on my crocs, get up off the couch and drink some more water. It feels like the Sahara desert inside me.

Natasha walks in and comes over to me.
"There you are. Hi! We have an interesting case there. Tony and Peter have gone to do more tests. Meet us in the OR in 30 minutes." she hands me a clipboard. "Take patient's history. Long story short, the man swallowed a glass and has been living with it in his stomach for the third day."

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