Chapter 3 - Jack's bar

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Y/n's Pov

We met in the parking lot and are on our way in Kate's car. Peter is sitting in the back seat with his phone in his hand. There are maps open on the phone. He's giving us directions. "In too deep" by Sum 41 is playing on the speakers.

"Okay, Kate. This is where you turn right." Peter points with his hand to the corner.

"Two minutes ago, you said we should going left." Kate said.

"Yeah, but it's shorter this way."

"Are you sure you're not taking us into the woods to kill us?" I turn to him.

"No! Look," he shows me his phone screen. "there's a traffic jam. We'll go around it."

"Okay, potential murderer..." I look at him suspiciously jokingly.

"Where are we even going?"

"To the bar."

"I don't drink... I mean, I drink, but rarely. But Kate... There was this one incident at our high school graduation..."

"Are you always going to remember that story?" Kate rolls her eyes.

"What happened?" Peter asks with interest and moves closer to us.

"Uh... We were celebrating graduation at our classmate's house. I mixed vodka and tequila and ended up waking up on a swimming lap in the pool in someone else's clothes. I don't even remember how I got there." Kate recounts.

"All evening, she was looking for an archery opponent. Kate has been practicing shooting since she was a little girl. She has the eye of a diamond. That's the only time she broke a window. But it was an accident."

"We don't talk about that."

"You should compete with Clint." Peter says.

"Did he do archery, too?" Kate asks.

"Not just practicing. He's a state champion in archery."

"Sounds like a challenge."

"Did you do anything Y/n?" Peter asks me.

"Oh, I can't list everything... I played guitar, painted, but I spent most of my time playing soccer."

"Cool! I played soccer too. Cristiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi?"

"Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi. I don't know why they keep bumping into each other. They're both legends."


"Almost there." Peter's looking at his phone screen. "We'll be there in a couple minutes."

"...cause I'm in too deep...and I'm trying to keep..." Kate starts to sing.

"up above my head..." Peter's singing along.

"instead of going under!" We sing the chorus and laugh.

"Stop right there." Peter says to Kate and gets out of the car. Then runs up to our doors and opens them, holding out his hand to each of us.
"Come on out, young lady."

"Are you flirting with me?" I ask him.

"No. Just being a gentleman." He smiles.

We walk into the bar. The music is playing loudly and all the tables are full. People are dancing, eating, drinking and just having fun.

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