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The doctor appeared in the door and sat down on the chair- how are you feeling?
- tired. Weak.
- The drug is slowly disappearing. But it will take time.
- I know. What now?
- now you stay in this room and we will apply medicines. Also psychotherapy. Next week you will be questioned by a prosecutor.
- could you please tell me what actually happened?
- I can tell you what I know- what is in your files. Being under unfluence of drugs while on duty you have beaten the suspect of the case you were leading.
- huh...I dont even know how to comment it.
- Theres more.
- mhm. When you were put into the interrogation room and left alone for a while you crashed the table and got infuriated.
- I dont believe it.
- the table was glass and metal.
-I KNOW. I"m working there.
- you worked.
- I still dont believe you. I couldnt destroy it myself.
- no? So put up your sleeves. Come on, do it.
He put  his  sleeves slowly. They were all bruised and cut. From small cuts to bigger scars.
- yes. That's from a glass. Your superior had to leave not to get hurt and paramedics took over. Then you woke up here.
- ok. How long..
- two days on the ward doped with diazepam, then as you surely remember we talked and then the 3 days in isolation. So almost a week.
- and what about the... the other guy.
- he pressed charges. Your colleague Miss Duquesne confirmed that the man was provoking you and insulting her at the interrogation but violence you presented was of course not right - you surely overreacted and soon it turned out why.
-How much?
- How much what ?
- how much did the test show?
- enough. And other samples indicated it wasnt the first time.
-someone visited me?
- visitations are not allowed. Lt. Caine came to ask how you're feeling. Hes not relative so I could just share the basic knowledge.
- I see.
- maybe you will be able to see somebody after the prosecutor will talk to you.
-Im not sure I want. The visitation.
And the prosecutor of course.
- Standard procedure. But it must wait until we have you stable on medicines.
- I know. Why Im here alone? Its three persons room.
- Yet. One person is in the isolation and there are no more waiting for it now
- And...how long are the ...stays?
- it depends. Mostly from 3 to 6
- weeks?
- what am I supposed to do here?
- when you're stable and interrogated it depends whether the court pronounces you mental, or maybe at limited perception at the time of incident. Guilty people go to prison of coursse. These  of temporarily limited perception stay here and then come bock to their lives.
- Im in deep shit. Who decides whether Im this or that type?
- the set of doctors and therapists here.
- what type am I?
- i cant tell you yet. Too short to say. It also depends on your background, previous history, behaviour, addictions... lots of factors. If it is to be reliable, it must be done precisely. As far as I know you're a great criminalist, and also very well educated. So you surely know it requires patience and pracision.
- Yeah. What people do here all days?
- they do things for the rest of community.Depends on personal abilities.
- my proffessional features wont be needed much.
-yes, thank god. He smiled- any other things you do well? Except fighting.
- I can cook. IM well organized and like clean, simple spaces. You may not believe but Im also very patient. I could wait for the results all night. And Im precise.
- good CSI features. But you're also bad -tempered and moody. And an addict.
- I wont comment that ..And these people here? Addicts, criminals, spoilt kids? Prisoners? Mentals?
- it depends. But all of you have the same factor - you made mistake at some point. And either must pay for it, or get out of it. I hope you will be the second one. Did you share a flat?
- no, always lived alone. Sometimes friends or girlfriends passed by but thats just it.
- in few days you will have company.   The man is also around 30,just like you
- what did he do?
- he almost killed two people while driving drunk. One is ok, second is in critical state. So lets hope this person survives.
- I must tell you doctor that you sound like you really care. Thats rather rare.
- every person should,especially doctors. And I dont judge. IM one of you. Been in wrong place wrong time. I almost killed somebody. But I paid my dues and as it turned out not to be only my mistake, I got my licence back. It was 18 years ago. Now I run the facility. sober for 18 years. I want to cover my mistake  by helping others.
- well said. Fair enough. GlAd   to have you here then.
-ok. I hope you will be able to eat by yourself soon. We will shorten the medication dose so prepare for
-...physical pain, addiction signs, and so on
- exactly. Ok. Need to go. I hope I helped a bit. Tomorrow the therapist, and maybe some group activity. We'll see.  Now - rest. Ive never seen a guy of your height so skinny. Always been like that?
- except not eating- yes. Never also too sporty.
- Ok. There's a boy here who is going to pass final exams of high school. You were major in biology- maybe you could help him?
-... and chemistry.
- really? That is actually not a desired ability among  the addicts. He smiled. - But Ill remember.
- thanks for your time and the exact explanation.
-[no problem. Take care.

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