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While walking and looking down on my books being too excited to read them, I felt something really hard hit my head and I fell back. My books fell on the floor next to me while I was holding my head. Ouch.. that hurts.

"I apologise. Are you okay, miss?" I heard someone apologising and I looked at him. He got up and offered me a hand to get up. I just stared at him.

"I can't take your hand, I'm sorry." I said while picking my books and he started helping me. He gave me those books.

"Why? You're denying a help from everyone or?" He asked while being confused.

"Thank you for the books. And no, I'm a muslim. I can't touch you, it's haram. Thank you again." I said and started walking since I need to pay for these books and go home to read these.

"Haram? What's that?" He said while furrowing his eyebrows and following me.

"Yes, that means forbidden. You're na mehram." I answered not even looking at him.

"I'm a what?" He said clearly being offended. I laughed at his statement. I saw him making a face while he was saying that.

"Na mehram. That means you're not my husband, brother, father or son." I tried hiding my smile since it's funny how he doesn't know anything about Islam and Muslim girls.

"Ohh, okay. I'm going to leave then. Bye .. urm... I don't know your name." He fixed his hair while being curious about my name. In the meantime, I have paid my books. I wanted to tell him my name but I heard my brother calling me. I turned around facing him.

"Layla, you finished? We need to go."

"Yes, I paid my books. Let's go." I answered not even looking at the man who helped me.

"And who are you?" My brother asked him instead. I looked at them both.

"Jimin. Park Jimin." He said offering his hand. I heard this name somewhere but I shrugged it off. They greeted each other.

"Abdullah Ali." my brother answered.

I was thinking about saying to my brother all the situation that's happening now while they were getting along. I got lost in my thoughts. Maybe he will be more focused to help our father like I am now. Probably more than I am. He's more smart too. He would find a way to fix all of this really fast.

"Let's go." I heard my brother and saw this man leaving. What's his name again? I shrugged and followed my brother.

After coming home with my brother, I worked hard in my research. I was checking everything that can save one company as a marketing worker. Most of it needs working with other sectors, especially business. We all need to work together to achieve the main goal, an income and saving the company. I took my notebook and started writing my own notes so it can be easier for me in the future.

How to save a failing business in 10 steps:
1. Adjust your mindset
2.Set goals
3.Learn why customers are leaving
4.Understand your target audience
5.Perform a SWOT analysis
6.Take a hard look at your finances
7.Get funding if you need it
8.Pivot and change direction
9.Invest in marketing
10.Take action

Chapter 1: Marketing and Sales Magic

Picture your marketing and sales efforts as living things that always need care. Keep refining them and make a list of ways to reach your ideal customers. Start by figuring out what makes your product special. That's your brand, which pulls in your target audience. Test any new marketing ideas first. And remember, don't just talk about your company; talk about your product too. Use tricks like direct response ads to hear directly from customers.

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