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"Good morning, mom. Assalamu alaikum. " I said while entering the kitchen. My mom is preparing breakfast for our family.

"Good morning, sweety. Walaikum assalam. How was your sleep? You could sleep a little bit longer. It's Saturday." My mom asked before kissing my forehead.

"I want go to the library. They have so many good books. I want to buy some. But anyways, where's Diane?" I asked while taking a strawberry. Diane is our cook who is also my mom's best friend. We all get along in this big house.

"Oh, I gave her a day off. Her son is sick, I made her go home today. You know, you could get your brother to library a little. He needs to read sometimes and become smart as you, not just drive his car all day." She said while smiling and switching the query of our conversation.

"You know that's not his thing, he loves races. Books are more my stuff." I took another strawberry following her.

"What will he do once the time comes and he needs to take over the company?" She sighed.

"He will figure it out. He's finishing college with good grades. He's so good in business, trust me." I took the plates since I realised mom is done with cooking and I helped her with setting up the table. "I will go call dad and my big bro. And don't worry, at least he is interested in business."

"Okay, sweety. Go call them. I will prepare lemonade for us." She said ignoring my last words. I just nodded and kissed her head.

Running upstairs, I knocked on my brother's bedroom and I heard him saying "come in" after two seconds.

"Assalamu alaikum, my prince. Food is on the table." I said while acting like he's from the royal family. He laughed and I run to him for a hug.

"Walaikum assalam, princess. Let's go for a breakfast then." He said after he kissed my forehead.

"I need to go call our dad too. You go, I will come in a second." I smiled to him.

"Okay, deal. We will wait." He replied and he let me go call our dad for a breakfast.

My brother and I don't have "regular" sibling treatment that whole world does. We care about each other, and we don't joke like the rest of the world does with their siblings. We're too respectful and we're showing too much love to everyone in our family. I don't know what I would do without him. He's my best friend. Oh, and yeah, we're not calling each other with bad names. Such as.... urmm.. I don't really know. Maybe, monkey? Idiot? No, that's not our thing. He's my prince and I'm his princess. That's how we were raised. I am so proud that we're raised like this.

"Appa, appaaa.." I started singing while entering his room after he gave me the permission to go inside. He laughed at my childish behaviour. I run to him to hug him. He kissed my head.

"Assalamu alaikum, my child. What makes you so happy this morning?" He said while fixing my hijab.

"Walaikum assalam, appa. I'm too excited to go to library today. They got new books there, I saw it on their website." I said while jumping like a baby.

"You should leave books for a day and enjoy your time without them. You're always studying for your university already. Isn't it too much for you?" He asked while smiling. I noticed he was too happy and proud of me since I'm spending my time with books. He loves when I take care of my knowledge and, ofcourse, university. Especially grades.

"It's not like I'm studying for the university in the library, appa. I'm just reading." I answered while looking at him. "Eomma is calling for the breakfast. It's ready. I bet lemonade is ready too."

"Well, let's go there then or else your beautiful mom will scold us." I started running from their bedroom to get in the kitchen. We don't want the queen of our house to be mad and start scolding us because she's waiting for too long.

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