chapter 2

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Chapter two

I sat down on my chair looking through my window, my literature teacher taking his sweet time teaching uninterested students. He swayed past my window, but not before leaving me a blushing mess, something he did without an effort. How was that even possible? Somehow that made me feel special and valued and before I knew it, my little crush grew to become an obsession. I'd eagerly wait for him outside my class during breaks and before lessons for my fragile stone heart loved the little attention it was getting from him.

He was my dream. His eyes, I'd die for and his physic was every girl's dream. The fact that he was interested in me made me feel like thee girl I always envied from a young age. One afternoon, a letter landed on my table and by the looks of it, it was thrown from outside. 'Meet me,' it said.

My heart started beating at an abnormal rate and only one person came to my mind, Apollo. This got me feeling both excited and anxious. Reject was something I was not looking forward to and worse off, from someone I hadn't talked to yet. If he'd reject me, I'd play gangsta and tell him I never liked him in the first place and if he liked me then I'd play shy girl and cling on to him for the rest of the term. In the end, there'd be one winner, and that'd be me.

Waiting patiently for Apollo to come to me, I sat on a bench by the pavilion already playing the conversation in my head. 'You don't like me? Cool bro cause I never liked you in the first place'

All that was forgotten when I saw him approaching me with his sly grin which promised nothing but trouble all the way, but that didn't matter, I liked him anyway.

If I thought my chance at having a relationship had finally arrived then I had it all wrong. My parent's little angel sent to watch over me decided to pop out of nowhere and talk to me, preventing myy walking angel from gracing me with his presence and instead, he decided to walk past me, heading to a group of boys that was standing not far from where I was. "I just wanted to catch up with you. Surely it can't be a problem," my sister Valerie said as though she hadn't ruined my only chance at love. Truth is, I couldn't blame her. She didn't know.

That didn't stop me from sending letters to my beloved who I believed, I loved and that didn't stop him from sending me letters too! The only sad part about this was that, we only communicated through letters and not in person. Plus we were not in a relationship too! But who cared, a label didn't determine my feelings for him and his for me. We were both happy,well up until my angel of a sister decided to ruin things for me by threatening him to stay away from me after she found the letters in my backpack. Maybe it was for the best. Maybe it wasn't what I really wanted. Maybe it was for the sake of forgetting Ash. But my heart told me otherwise.

Was it love? I doubt. Maybe infatuation. 

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