The Warriors of Kyoshi

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No One's POV

On the water, in the Fire Nation ship, Zuko sat on his legs in front of a shrine, four candles illuminating the dark room. He had his eyes closed, deep in thought until the door opened.

"The only reason you should be interrupting me is if you have news about the Avatar." Zuko said quietly.

"Well, there is news, Prince Zuko, but you might not like it." Uncle Iroh replied. "Don't get too upset."

"Uncle, you taught me that keeping a level head is a sign of a great leader. Now, whatever you have to say, I'm sure I can take it."

"Okay, then…. We have no idea where he is."

The flames on the candles suddenly rose as Zuko exclaimed. "What?"

"You really should open a window in here." Iroh commented.

"Give me the map." Zuko scoffed, grabbing the map out of his uncle's hands and opening it.

"There have been multiple sightings of the Avatar, but he is impossible to track down."

"How am I going to find him, Uncle? He is clearly a master of evasive maneuvering."


Kikona looked at a similar map, furrowing her eyebrows as she looked back up at Aang.

"You have no idea where you're going, do you?" She asked.

"Well, I know it's near water." Aang smiled sheepishly.

Kikona blinked at him, looking at the endless ocean they were flying above.

"That's so helpful."

"Momo, marbles, please." Aang said, and Momo fished through his clothes to grab them. "Hey, Katara, check out this Airbending trick."

Aang smiled widely as he spun marbles around in a circle between his hands.

"That's great, Aang." Katara replied, not even paying attention.

"You didn't even look."

"That's great." Katara said, looking at Aang who frowned.

"But I'm not doing it now."

"Stop bugging her, Airhead. You need to give girls space when they do their sewing." Sokka said and Katara and Kikona glared at him.

"What does me being a girl have to do with sewing?" Katara asked him.

"Simple. Girls are better at fixing pants than guys, and guys are better at hunting and fighting and stuff like that. It's just a natural order of things."

"All done with your pants, and look what a great job I did." Katara said between her teeth, throwing Sokka's pants right at his face.

"Yeah, and I guess you don't need me to help you fight for our village anymore either. I'm sure you can handle an entire Fire Nation army by yourself." Kikona scoffed.

"Wait! I was just kidding! I can't wear these! And I definitely can't fight an entire Fire Nation army alone! Katara, Kona, please!" Sokka said immediately.

"Relax, Sokka. Where we're going, you won't need any pants." Aang smiled.

As they got to their next destination, Aang landed Appa on an island for a quick stop.

"We just made a pit stop yesterday." Sokka said. "Shouldn't we get a little more flying done before we camp out?"

"He's right. At this rate, we won't get to the North Pole until spring."

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