ch ; 09

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- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒ 09 ༒ ˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -
Sinister Depth

(warning: gore)

Kory stood outside the door of the address she had obtained, her knuckles rapping against the wood in a rhythmic pattern.

She waited impatiently, the seconds ticking by agonizingly slow as she strained her ears for any sign of movement from inside.

But there was no response, no indication that anyone was home. Frustration bubbled up inside her, and without a second thought, she slammed her body against the door, her shoulders bearing the brunt of the impact.

Again and again, she threw herself against the door, each collision sending shockwaves of pain shooting through her body. But she refused to give up, her determination driving her forward as she battered the door with all her strength.

Finally, with a resounding crash, the doorknob gave way, falling to the ground with a metallic clatter. Kory wasted no time, her hand flying to the gun at her hip as she cautiously pushed open the door.

"This is HPD! Drop your weapons!" she called out, her voice echoing through the empty apartment.

Silence greeted her, broken only by the sound of her own footsteps as she made her way through the pristine living space. It was eerily untouched, a stark contrast to what she had expected from the residence of known thugs.

As she entered the kitchen, however, a putrid odor assaulted her senses, causing her to recoil in disgust. She covered her nose with the inside of her elbow, her eyes watering as she surveyed the room.

"What the fuck— What's with the smell?" she muttered under her breath, her stomach churning with revulsion.

With cautious steps, Kory began to investigate the source of the foul stench, her eyes scanning every inch of the kitchen for clues.

Opening cabinets and the fridge in search of the source of the foul odor. But to her surprise, she found nothing. Her confusion mounting, she moved to investigate further, her eyes scanning the room for any clues.

But despite her thorough search, she found nothing out of the ordinary—until she reached the window.

A tile beneath her feet creaked ominously, causing her to freeze in her tracks.

It was then that she noticed a tile in the floor, its surface slightly raised as if it had been disturbed. Intrigued, Kory knelt down and began to pry the tile away, her gloved hands working quickly to reveal the hidden space beneath.

A few tiles peeled away, Kory's breath caught in her throat, her hands trembling with shock as she beheld the gruesome scene before her. Bodies, mutilated and lifeless, lay in a grisly display of violence, their twisted forms a stark contrast to the pristine surroundings of the apartment.

For the past four years, she had witnessed her fair share of crime scenes, but nothing had prepared her for this. The brutality of the scene was enough to make her stomach churn.

For a moment, Kory was frozen in horror, her mind struggling to comprehend the magnitude of the scene before her. But as she regained her composure, her eyes were drawn to something etched into the skin of one of the bodies—a strange symbol, carved into the flesh with cruel precision.

With a shudder, Kory made a mental note to document the evidence before her, her thoughts racing as she processed the implications of the gruesome discovery.

Whatever had transpired in this apartment, it was clear that the truth was far more sinister than she could have ever imagined.

And as she prepared to leave the scene, her mind was already racing with plans to uncover the truth behind the mysterious symbol and the horrifying fate of those who had fallen victim to its twisted design.



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