ch ; 03

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- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒ 03 ༒ ˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -
Dead of the Night

As the members of NCTECH gathered in the expansive meeting room, tension hung thick in the air like a suffocating fog. Gio, the commanding presence at the head of the table, surveyed his subordinates with a steely gaze, his expression unreadable as he prepared to deliver his orders.

"Listen up," Gio's voice boomed, cutting through the murmurs and whispers that filled the room. "We have a situation on our hands that needs to be dealt with swiftly and decisively. As this is a crucial mission and a way for revenge for our Boss."

As the members leaned in, their attention fully captured by Gio's commanding presence, he wasted no time in laying out the plan. "Claude of Lude," he began, his voice low and urgent, "We want her dead."

A ripple of murmurs spread through the room, the gravity of the situation weighing heavily on each member present. But Gio wasted no time in quelling the unrest, his tone leaving no room for dissent.

"We can't afford to take any chances," he declared, his voice ringing with authority. "That's why I'm sending a team to Las Vegas to take care of her before she has a chance to make a move."

Gio continues, his voice resolute, "Andy will message each of you that wench's location once you're there."

"I want a team ready to leave for Las Vegas immediately," Gio declared, his tone leaving no room for argument. "Hayez, you'll lead the operation. Chen, Rhys, you're with him."

Hayez nodded solemnly, his expression grim as he absorbed the gravity of the task ahead. Beside him, Chen and Rhys exchanged a glance, their faces set in determined grimaces as they prepared for the mission ahead.

As the meeting adjourned, Hayez gathered his team in a secluded corner of the room, his voice low and urgent as he outlined the details of their assignment.

"We leave in one hour," Hayez announced, his words punctuated by the sound of chairs scraping against the floor as the team rose to their feet. "Gear up and meet me at the helipad. I don't want anymore dilly-dallying, quick."

"You should say that to yourself." Rhys quipped, a playful grin on his face. Hayez rolls his eyes and waves them off.

With a sense of purpose, Hayez led his team out of the meeting room and into the depths of the NCTECH headquarters. As they made their way through the labyrinthine corridors, their footsteps echoed off the walls, a steady cadence of determination and resolve.

Arriving at the armory, Hayez wasted no time in equipping himself and his team with the tools they would need for the mission ahead. Guns, ammunition, and tactical gear were distributed with practiced efficiency, each member of the team preparing themselves for the inevitable confrontation that awaited them in Las Vegas.

The three of them made their way to the helipad, the roar of the helicopter's engines filled the air, drowning out the noise of the city below. Hayez's heart pounded in his chest as he climbed aboard, his mind focused on the task at hand. The helicopter lifted off the ground and soared into the night sky.


13 hours later...

As the helicopter sliced through the night sky, Hayez, Chen, and Rhys braced themselves for the mission ahead. Andy's message had provided them with the crucial information they needed to locate Claude, and they wasted no time in plotting their approach.

Upon arriving in Las Vegas, the trio wasted no time in setting their plan into motion. Rhys expertly maneuvered the helicopter towards their target's location, while Hayez and Chen meticulously went over the details of their entry strategy.

The condominium where Claude Anderson was staying loomed before them, a fortress of luxury nestled amidst the glitz and glamour of the Las Vegas strip. With practiced precision, the team landed the helicopter nearby and prepared to make their move.

As they approached the building, Hayez's mind raced with anticipation. He was a killer by nature, his skills honed through years of training and experience in the deadly art of assassination. Tonight would be no different.

With Chen at his side, Hayez scaled the exterior of the building, their movements swift and silent as they made their way towards Claude Anderson's room. Rhys remained behind, commanding the helicopter and keeping watch for any signs of trouble.

Reaching the window of Claude's room, Hayez and Chen exchanged a glance before swiftly breaking in. The room was dark and silent, the only sound the soft hum of the city below.

As they crept towards the bed, Hayez's senses heightened, anticipation coursing through his veins. He could feel the adrenaline pumping through his veins, fueling his desire for the hunt.

And then, there she was, lying before them in a state of unsuspecting slumber. Hayez's lips curled into a predatory grin as he approached her, relishing the thrill of the chase.

With a swift motion, he bound her hands and gagged her, his movements precise and methodical. Claude stirred in her sleep, her eyes fluttering open in confusion and fear as she realized she was not alone.

Before she could utter a sound, Hayez leaned in close, his voice a menacing whisper in her ear. "You will pay for what you did, see you in hell," he hissed, his breath hot against her skin.

Claude's eyes widened in terror as the realization dawned on her, her struggles futile against the iron grip of her captors.

But it was Chen who delivered the final blow, his expression impassive as he raised his weapon and fired, straight to her forehead. The sound of the gunshot echoed through the room, a deafening crescendo of violence and death.

As Claude's lifeless body slumped on her bed, Hayez felt a surge of triumph wash over him. The thrill of the hunt, the rush of adrenaline, it was all he lived for. And tonight, they had emerged victorious.

With meticulous care, the team ensured that no trace of their presence remained, leaving behind nothing but darkness and silence in their wake. As they made their way back to the helicopter, the night enveloped them like a shroud, concealing their actions from prying eyes.

As they soared back towards South Korea, Hayez couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction wash over him. Another mission accomplished, another victory for NCTECH. And as they disappeared into the night, he knew that they would stop at nothing to protect their organization, no matter the cost.

"Suck on that, shit cops!" Hayez declared, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of his lips as he threw a defiant middle finger into the air. It was a small act of rebellion, a reminder that they were untouchable, invincible in the face of their enemies.



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