⟣Chapter 119

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TL: Moonlit

When Wen Qingling and Xiao Hen rushed back, it was almost dark. By now, the sky had completely turned black, but they still couldn’t enter the city. Wen Qingling continued to enjoy his braised meat to his heart’s content.

Wen Qingling lay on the car roof, resting his chin on his crossed arms. He sighed, “After tonight, how many people will be left in Central City?”

This was also a concern for Xiao Hen. Now, the Undead and monsters had almost all gathered in Central City. It would be best if they could eliminate them completely within the city. If they managed to escape and spread out, it would be really troublesome.

Xiao Hen appeared behind a guard, startling him with his burnt-out appearance. When the guard saw it was Colonel Xiao who had returned, he was overjoyed. “Colonel, the General wants to see you immediately. The situation is urgent.”

Xiao Hen glanced at the tightly closed gate. How could he get in?

Xiao Hen said, “No one is allowed to leave the city! Go back, all of you!”

The survivors who were preparing to evacuate immediately erupted in protest. “The whole city is full of monsters now. Are you asking us to go back and die?!”

“Do you still have any humanity left? Are you trying to trap us inside the city?!”

“If you really care about us, let us leave. We’ll come back when you’ve cleaned up the monsters!”

Xiao Hen’s face grew stern. “I’m not negotiating with you. This is an order!”

“Who do you think you are? We’re not soldiers, you have no right to order us around!”

Suddenly, the ground at the city gate collapsed, and numerous thick tentacles appeared out of thin air, blocking the gate. The tentacles danced in the air, attacking the crowd trying to come out.

Xiao Hen quickly pulled the guard to dodge, and the crowd screamed and ran back. They watched as the thick vines pierced through from their sides, causing everyone to panic, thinking they were about to die. They desperately ran back into the city, only stopping when they were out of the range of the tentacle attacks.

Everyone turned back in shock and saw several people being pierced by the thick vines, struggling desperately. The vines arrogantly moved, showing them the consequences of not listening.

Wen Qingling jumped down from the car roof and said, “If force can solve the problem, then stop the useless babbling.”

The shocked crowd suddenly heard someone shout, “Someone is killing! The soldiers from District Three are killing people!!”

“Let’s fight back! I don’t believe they’ll dare to kill us all!”

“Let’s fight back!”

The crowd grew restless and started shouting, ready to fight for their lives, but none of them dared to actually rush forward.

The city gate guards were nervous. They had been trying to calm everyone down and avoid using force, fearing it would backfire. But now, someone had started attacking without warning, openly impaling people. Were they forcing them to revolt? Wen Qingling sneered, leaping into the midst of the vine group. One of the thickest tentacles obediently held him up. He said, “I was worried you wouldn’t fight back. Come, let me give you a taste of your daddy’s killing.”

Everyone: “…”

The guards: “…”

Xiao Hen pointed at the people impaled by the vines and said loudly, “These are all Undead, the monsters you’re talking about! There are more of them among you. Instead of gathering here, be cautious of the people around you and beware of ambushes!”

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