⟣Chapter 16

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Early the next morning, Wen Qingling was still dozing away when he was woken up by Xiao Hen’s team of four.

They stood outside South City and shouted: “Wen Qingling! We want to do business with you. If you’re amenable, let us in!”

The group of zombies threw a car at them, with a large word written on it in rotten blood: Scram!

Alright, they could confirm it now. That person was truly Wen Qingling.

Ji Rong wanted to curse. Lu Tianjin had a fucking problem with his brain! Wen Qingling had such great strength but Lu Tianjin not only did not try to get close to him but also forced him into South City—which allowed Wen Qingling to take over the city as its lord. How fucking capable of Lu Tianjin!

Now, none of them knew what the current state of Wen Qingling was. Was he blackened to the point of wanting to destroy mankind and the world? Or did he still have enough kindness in his heart to cooperate with them? Regardless of the result, they had to properly ascertain how dangerous Wen Qingling was.

Xiao Hen: “Come out, let’s discuss, I’ll give you 500 ordinary crystal nuclei.”

Wen Qingling didn’t respond. Trying to lure him out? Impossible!

Xiao Hen: “I’ll add two first-grade zombie crystal nuclei.”

Wen Qingling: …

He felt that he had to give that offer some serious consideration.

Xiao Hen: “I’ll add another five first-grade zombie crystal nuclei.”

Then, the four of them saw a dark shadow approaching them with large leaps.

Wen Qingling didn’t approach and stood on top of a car, looking at them from across the horde of zombies. “Crystal nuclei.”

Ji Rong, He Lin and Shi Chong gave the boss a thumbs up in their hearts.

He really succeeded in luring Wen Qingling out with the crystal nuclei.

A bag of crystal nuclei appeared in Xiao Hen’s hand, and Wen Qingling reached out.

Xiao Hen: “I’ll give it to you after we’re done talking.”

Wen Qingling felt that he had been tricked and turned to leave. At this moment, Xiao Hen suddenly appeared behind him and slashed out—though the blade was blocked by thick, thorny vines.

Wen Qingling jumped up and the vines rushed towards Xiao Hen like a tsunami, completely engulfing him.

Wen Qingling stood still on a roof and Xiao Hen appeared beside him the next instant. Then, Wen Qingling suddenly sank into the floor and disappeared.

Xiao Hen’s face was solemn. Wen Qingling could even pass through matter and do so with ease. How strong did his spiritual power have to be?

Xiao Hen reappeared amongst his team. “I’ll give you the crystal nuclei.”

Xiao Hen threw the crystal nuclei out. A dark shadow flashed past and the nuclei fell into Wen Qingling’s hands.

Wen Qingling’s eyes were filled with indifference. “Are you done testing my strength?”

Xiao Hen: “Two types of abilities—wood and spiritual.”

Wen Qingling: “That’s very obvious.”

If he was still human, he’d be anxious and hesitant about showing his sharp edge. However, he wasn’t human any longer—what was the point of being afraid?

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