Chapter one

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I couldn't stop staring at him, the tall dark and ridiculously handsome stranger who was here every single day without fail. I worked at a small cafe in a busy coastal city- and this man had been here every day for the last six weeks, ordered the same black coffee that he never drank and always left a tip. Never saying a word.

"You still staring at Mr quiet?" Jess said nudging me, my annoying colleague and yet best friend, I rolled my eyes at her trying to ignore her but a smile crept across my face.

"He is pretty hard to ignore isn't he?" I said looking back at her, she nodded in agreement, we sat there and started chatting about life recently, Jess had just come back from a week away with her now fiancé Eli, they were a perfect couple and I really loved them together.

" Shit, that's the third body this week." Jess gasped looking at the small television on the side, I turned to look and watched as they flashed the face of a sweet young woman couldn't have been older than 16.
I noticed the mysterious man also staring at the TV, I could have sworn I saw a smirk on his lips, I brushed it off and turned back to jess who continued to tell me about her lovely Italian getaway.

"Night Lea!" Jess called as I opened the front door to leave, Jess was working the graveyard shift and I had the luxury of leaving at midnight, I smiled and waved to her walking away.

It was a warm night the streets lit with moonlight and the silence deafening, I couldn't get the image of that poor girl out of my head, she was so young and had a full life ahead of her, before her it was a young man and the body before was another girl. No one wanted to say serial killer, but they were all stabbed in the neck and all dumped in public places.

I got home and immediately put the kettle on, I was not going to bed without my cup of tea.
Curling up in my cold sheets with my hot tea I thought about that beautiful man, his shoulder length dark hair, piercing blue eyes, pale skin, a cute lip ring, I could see tattoos on his hands and fingers but he wore long sleeved shirts.

I felt a cold hand trail along my cheek, down to my neck, it caused my eyes to fly open, it felt so real,  l fumbled to find my bedside lamp only to see i was alone, my heart rate beating hard against my ribcage, i looked around, i felt someone here.
After calming down I decided to go for a walk, it was cool, the sky a beautiful dusty blue, it was very early hours of the morning.

That's when I noticed him, standing in the doorway of an old pub. That gorgeous man- his eyes stalked over my body before his icy eyes met mine- he smirked at me before turning away.
" Wait-" I called, not too sure why, it seemed to surprise both of us.
He turned back and raised an eyebrow at me seemingly amused by me.

" You never say hello." I muttered, I didn't really expect him to turn back around and I didn't know what to say.

He took a step forward until he towered over me.

"Hello lea." He whispered, my name rolled off his tongue sending a shiver down my spine. How did he know my name? I held my breath and looked up at him, studying his face, I didn't want to turn away. He stayed towering over me. I seemed to completely lose my breath, he was so mesmerising.

" You shouldn't be out by yourself lea. You don't know what monsters hide in the shadows." He smiled "you should go home." He suggested.

" Just tell me your name. It would be nice to serve you and know your name." I said giving him an excuse for stay and talk to me.

"Now it would be nice to have someone serve me." He said flashing me a quick wink. " It's Andrew." He finished. I smiled, the name suited him.

"Thank you Andrew." I whispered before turning away, I practically ran home, my heart pounding. He was so strange and out of place but he felt so safe to be around.

The next day walking into work I noticed Andrew sat in his usual spot, eyes fixated on the television, my eyes followed his gaze only to be met with the news. Another body

She was found right where I saw Andrew last night, throat slit and body discarded at the front step of the pub.
I froze. Looking in the direction of Andrew, his eyes already locked on mine. I felt my lip tremble, my heart pounding against my chest and I could have sworn I saw him smirk.
I backed away and ran out of the cafe, speed walking towards the local park, fear coursing through my veins he couldn't have killed those people. Could he?

I sat down on a bench desperately trying to piece everything together, most of those murders happened in broad daylight- i sat and stared around, the park was eerily quiet, the children's play park empty, football pitch deserted.

That's when I felt him standing there behind me-his dark presence loomed over me, i could feel his eyes stalking me I wanted to speak but my throat was too dry that no words came out.

"Why did you run lea?" He asked, his words cold and demanding I shook my head keeping my eyes focused on the ground below- he placed his hands on my shoulders making me jump under his touch.

"Did you hurt that girl?" I asked through a croaked voice he stayed silent confirming my suspicions.

"Am I next?" I whispered, he let out a light chuckle

"Not yet." The word yet echoed in my head, the park started spinning as my heart rate grew, I felt dizzy, I was alone with the now known serial killer.

I tried to stand but the earth shifted from under me but before I could hit the floor I was in Andrews arms.

"Stay calm princess." He whispered breathing down my neck, his breath icy cold causing my hairs to stand on end. His aura confusing I didn't know if I wanted too push him away or pull him closer.

I pushed him away and turned to him that's when I noticed him, eyes full of anger and hatred, blood dripping down his chin. White shirt now stained crimson.

I went to scream but before I could he had turned me back around and plunged sharp fangs into the base of my neck. His hand covering my scream, my body felt like it was on fire. Burning from the inside out. I felt sick and light headed he let me go and I fell to my knees gripping into my neck trying to stop the bleeding.

My vision started to fade, the last thing I saw before everything turned to black was his striking blue eyes. A wave of relief washed over me suddenly nothing mattered and I allowed the warmth of him to encapsulate me.

Eyes of a killer Where stories live. Discover now