12. Don't forget Buck

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Real quick thing to say - i changed Ellis's age to 10 instead of 7 because i think they need a more mature kid to help them :)
"Ok i have a plan," Ellis announced to her roommates one night when they were all sat in a circle in the centre of their room.

Eric and Steph looked at her with curiosity, furrowing their eyebrows slightly, while August picked the bits of dirt off his lollipop which he dropped a few minutes prior.

"We are going to pack bags and escape"

"Escape?!" Asked Steph, a bit too loudly

"Shhh" hushed Ellis, "yeah."

"But I want my family," Gus said, defeatedly, "they're comin' back for me."

"Yeahhhh buttttt you can stay with me until they come back." Steph observed, she was sure Eddie wouldn't mind a few more kids.

"I'm in" August said, his heavy Texan accent making Steph's lips curl into a little smile. She had been living with Gus for almost a month now and his accent still entertained her.

"Yay!" Ellis exclaimed, "Come on Steph, Gus is coming."

"Hmmm... okay I'll come."

"Eric?" Steph asked, turning her gaze over to him, not expecting a reply.

To all their surprise, Eric looked Steph straight in the eyes and gave a sharp and confident nod of his head, his plump lips lifting into a grin which the kids had never seen before.
Ellis grinned from ear to ear and leapt to her feet, preparing to boss everyone around so her plan would work. The four children rushed around their little room, climbing up and down bunks, gathering clothes and hidden snacks and games, shoving all their supplies into small rucksacks they brought with them when they first arrived. They waited until lights out and heard the adults' doors shut and the light switches make their final click of the night before they all leaped out of their beds and gathered in a circle in the middle of the room, gripping their bag straps with their clenched, sweaty little hands. Eric shuffled nervously and reached out for Ellis's hand so she reciprocated and gave his hand a squeeze.

"We have to go out of the back door," Ellis started, "the dog flap for Roscoe should be big enough for Steph to fit through, Nico got in trouble for going through it the other day and he's bigger than Steph so it shouldn't be a problem."

"We can't all fit through," Gus mumbled, placing his thick hands on his round belly, looking at Ellis for the rest of the plan

"We don't need to, the key is under the fruit bowl, I saw Clark put it there the other day after we went out in the garden."

"So i take the key and go through Roscoe's door?" Steph confirmed.

"Yep, then you unlock it and we can climb onto the playhouse and over the fence. Then run."

"How far?" Gus asked concerned, "I'm not a big fan of runnin' it makes my knees feel funny."

"Not far, we just need to catch a bus to L.A. and then get to Steph's family." She confidently stated. Steph looked at her with admiration. Wow she's so smart, Steph thought.

Unexpectedly, Eric spoke up, "We can't get a bus from Nevada to L.A." He said, his voice croaky from its very long rest. The others stared at him for a minute before Ellis put her hands on her hips and huffed. "Well why not?" She said, frustrated that her plan wasn't foolproof.

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