7. Babysitting

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Once Steph was given the all clear on health by Doctor Lark, Eddie carried her back out of the room and into the waiting room.

"Well hi there honey" Athena said smiling sweetly at the contented toddler.

Steph didn't say anything and just waved her little hand at Athena, making everyone laugh.

"I called Social Services but no one can come get her until tomorrow so we are gonna need to sort something out for the night." Athena continued, deep in thought, "She could stay with Bobby and I but we have Michael, David, May and Harry all at home today so we are a little tight for space." 

"I'd take her," Buck added, "but I've got no where for her to sleep. I don't even have a couch."
Bobby furrowed his eyebrows at Buck, still unsure what the deal was with the couch.

"Hey me and Karen can take her, we probably still have some of Denny's old stuff in the loft so I'm sure we can sort something for the night" Hen said, looking around at the crew to see what they were thinking.

"Thanks Hen thats very nice of you, I'll check in on you in the morning." Athena replied nodding, grateful that she had such a great team to rely on.

Eddie smiled at Hen, a mix of emotions in his eyes. He walked over with Steph still sat on his hip before saying to her "alright missy you're gonna spend the night with Hen and her family and I'll pop in and see you early tomorrow, kay?"

Steph stared at Eddie for a few seconds and then looked over to Hen before pouting her lip and frowning. She let out a small grunt before throwing her head into the crook of Eddie's neck and gripping his shirt in her sweaty little hands. Eddie sighed and rolled his eyes.

"I'll come see you in the morning alright I promise," Eddie whispered to her, but he knew he couldn't promise. What if social services got there before he could say goodbye? Steph would think he had completely abandoned her.

"Cmon sweetie lets go you need some sleep," Hen said, reaching over to Eddie and peeling the clinging little girl off his shoulder like a piece of velcro. She replaced her on her own hip and Steph whined and reached her arms out towards Eddie, opening and closing her fists, trying to grab his shirt to pull herself back onto him.

Despite her efforts, she was only small and Hen was able to keep her secure and gave Eddie a reassuring smile before saying bye to the rest of the crew and heading out of the building to where Karen had arrived about ten minutes earlier to take them home.

"Alright guys lets head back to the engine, thanks for your help doctor," Bobby smiled, thanking the doctor and receptionist with a small hand gesture.

The drive back to the station was awkward. For most of the crew. Not Buck. He didn't quite read the atmosphere so babbled continuously about how he fancied getting a dog but wasn't allowed one and how he asked Maddie to buy him a cat last Christmas but she didn't get him one. Eddie sat in the passenger seat and stared out of the window. Bobby drove and Chim noticed him look at Eddie a few times to see if he was alright.

Once they arrived at the station it was dark, about ten in the evening but Bobby and Eddie were still on shift for four more hours so they went up to the kitchen and had coffee in silence. Chim offered to stay but Bobby said he should go home and check on Maddie and Jee.

The alarm didn't go off again that night. It was a blessing in a way, it gave Bobby and Eddie time to cool off and have a break after the events of the day but it also made the time go unbearably slow. When the shift was finally over, Bobby gave Eddie a firm, congratulatory pat on the back and headed out as the next crew arrived for their shift.
As Eddie opened his door and slumped down into the drivers seat, his phone went off.
*Mario kart theme tune*
Eddie grabbed it out of his back trouser pockets and read the name on the screen; it was Hen.
"Hen whats up why are you calling so late?" Eddie questioned, concern riddled in his voice.

"Nothings wrong don't worry. She just won't sleep. Like at all. I've tried everything and so has Karen I mean we've sung to her, and read her books and played music and she won't settle in the slightest" Hen droned on exhaustion clear in her tone.

"Not sure if I can work miracles but I'll be there in 5."

"Great see ya then."
Authors note:
Thanks to everyone who has read these and to ppl who have added them to their reading lists I appreciate it so much.
The next few chapters are hopefully gonna be out tonight ❤️
Ps. I haven't had any hate yet but if anyone doesn't like this story pls just remove it from your library and don't read it instead of hating bcs i have quite bad anxiety so i stress about what people think :)))

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