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You are a rich, 23 year old, independent woman living in a small town, two hours and a half away from the big city. You are a biochemist, graduated top from your province' (or state) best university.

You own two houses and a chalet. Your first house is an immense and cozy home (seven rooms, four bathrooms, three floors, two basements, and obviously the ground floor, a private beach, a big garden, two flower bed (one has a bench in the middle), your house also has two fire places (one inside and one outside), two living rooms, and a balcony). Your other house is modern, close to your work, you rarely stayed there. Your chalet is only four hours away from your small village home. Since it's in the mountains, you go snowboarding (or skiing) during the winter. It had four humongous rooms, three bathrooms, a classy kitchen, a cozy living room with a multitude of board games and a soccer table, you also have a jacuzzi in the backyard, with a snowmobile.

During the mornings, before going in the city to work, you would always stop at your local coffee shop, it was next to a dock and they made the best ice creams during the summer. Also on the way to work, you, without exception, passed by a haunted mansion, trees hid what it looked like, but in winter you had a clear view. It was a disclosed location with old gates blocking the entrance. Yet, there were quite a few cars in the parking area.  It used to be a governors house, it was handed down generations, and it's still standing.

In this story Colin and Scarlett are having marital problems. Scarlett does have her children, and Colin treats both of them wonderfully. Yet with her, he was often verbally abusive and forced her into things she wasn't confortable with.


A/N: I know this is a short chapter, but it's just for the backstory.

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