Angel Or Devil Pup?

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Playing on his keyboard up in the treehouse by himself as DJ pretending to mind his own business. Hearing a loud scream from the house, it sounded a lot more like Dylan's scream.

"Ahhhhhhh! My favorite space helmet is broken." Dylan shouted. DJ ran out of the treehouse and went to go see Dylan, he notices that his big brother had a mad angry look on his face.

"Dylan, what's going on?" DJ asked.

"I just found my space helmet like this and I can't believe it's broken." Dylan said as tears leaking from his muzzle and sniffled. "DJ, do you know who did this?" He asked.

DJ started to get nervous. "I can't tell him that I did it, he'll be mad at me or even worse." He thought to himself as devil dj and angel dj appeared on his shoulders.

Angel dj started talking to him. "Come on, you gotta tell Dylan about what you really did, he may be your big brother but he couldn't hate you for this."

Then devil dj started talking. "Pfft, why not tell Dylan about it? When he can just lie to him about who really did it."

DJ ears perked up and thinking that it was a great idea for him to lie about the situation and decided to just go for it. "Great thinking, I'll just tell him who really did it and I've got nothing to worry about." He said with a smile.



"Do you know who broke my space helmet?" He asked again.

"Yeah, I sure do! Because it was dizzy and DeeDee, they were both playing fetch in the living room and then suddenly, causes the bounce ball to break your space helmet apart." DJ lied as his big brother started to have a mad look on his face and called out his little sisters names.

"DIZZY! DEEDEE! I NEED TO TALK TO BOTH OF YOU NOW!!" Dylan shouted out loud as he went into the backyard. Dizzy and DeeDee heard their big brothers voice.

"Coming Dylan." Dizzy said politely.

DJ sighed in relief and sat down, hearing the conversation between the oldest brother and the two young lovable pups.

"Do you two know how much that helmet means so much to me? I can't believe you two broken it on purpose." Dylan said in anger as dizzy and DeeDee looked confused by the moment.

"What? No Dylan, we didn't do anything wrong." Dizzy said gently as DeeDee nodded.

"And we would never do that on purpose." DeeDee said gently as Dylan didn't believe them.

"Don't even start giving me those puppy dog eyes cuteness, but I don't buy that for a second!" Dylan said in a little less anger as dizzy and DeeDee ears were down.

"But, we didn't do it Dylan." Dizzy said gently.

DeeDee told him everything. "We were playing out here this whole time." She said honestly.

"Okay now, you two are lying and I have no choice but to ground you both." Dylan said in a serious tone as the two young pups were shocked about getting grounded by their big brother.

"But Dylan-"

"No buts, go to your room! At least, dj told me the whole truth to me anyway." Dylan said as the two young pups went to their rooms.

DJ didn't realize that dizzy and DeeDee would get grounded by Dylan, he thinks that the coast is clear and that his oldest brother wouldn't find out about what really happened.

The young musical pup sighed in relief as he notices dizzy and DeeDee had mad looks on their faces.

"Is something wrong, dizzy and DeeDee? You two seem a little mad." DJ said nervously.

"Yeah, we're you! Because we just got grounded by Dylan for breaking his space helmet." Dizzy said.

"But he didn't believe us." DeeDee said.

Dizzy and DeeDee glared at DJ as they've waited for him to tell Dylan the truth about everything.

"Okay I'll tell Dylan everything and that it wasn't you." DJ said as he went to the backyard and spoke. "Dylan, I have to tell you something."

"What is it DJ?" Dylan asked gently.

"Dizzy and DeeDee didn't break your space helmet, it was actually Da Vinici, Dimitris, Diesel and Triple D, they were all jumping on the trampoline outside and they fell to the ground and broke your space helmet." DJ lied again as he started to put the blame on everyone else.

"I am so gonna have a talk with them and ground them for a month." Dylan said as he walked away.

DJ nodded and spoke. "Yeah, you should definitely do that."

DJ looked back at dizzy and DeeDee, they knew that he was lying about it again and it wasn't right for DJ to blame the other pups for his mistake.

"DJ, you can't just lie to Dylan about this." Dizzy said in a serious tone.

"And everyone is gonna be mad at you for putting the blame on them." DeeDee said in anger.

"I'm sure it will be fine." DJ said gently.

Dizzy and DeeDee rolled their eyes. Devil dj appeared on his right shoulder and started to laugh hysterically.

"You're doing a good job for lying, if you keep this up then Dylan will never found out the big truth." Devil dj said.

DJ nodded. "Hmm."

101 Dalmatian Street: You Can't Lie To Your Own Family Where stories live. Discover now