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Juliana and Kieran spent the last few hours of daylight at the beach.

Kieran managed to find a shiny Sandygast, although didn't show Juliana.

By the time they got back to Uvaranja, it was well past night, but that was fine since the weekend lessons weren't mandatory.

"That was so much, thanks for bring me out tonight Juliana." Kieran opened the door to his room.

"Your the one who made it fun." Juliana huffed, "It's my birthday 'morrow, I'll see you then!" Juliana walked down the hall to her dorm, opened the door, closed it.

Then, she collapsed on her bed, falling asleep almost instantly.

Kieran woke up, he rubbed his eyes and yawned, stretching.

Kieran screeched as he saw Porygon-Z floating just infront of his face.

"RR1iIgG0n?" It questioned, "Sorry, Porygon, but don't float infront of me when I just wake up.

Kieran jumped out of bed and began his morning routine...then looked at his clock.

Already 10? I thoughted I'd have more time to get Juliana a gift! He thought angrily.

Kieran got dressed than rushed out of the school.

He rummaged through many gift shops, but found nothing.

Kieran was ready to ditch his plan and just give her money, when he thought he remembered something.

Kieran re-entered the school. "Now, where is it?" He asked himself as he ripped apart his extra bag, trying to find something.

A moment later something dropped out of it.

A pokeball. "I knew I had this thing...I hope she's a fan of Shines."

Juliana welcomed Nemona and Arven into her dorm.

She'd cleaned it up, especially for today.

"Hey Eri, Mela!" Juliana saw Eri talking to Mela.

Both girls turned, "Hi Juli. what's going on?" Eri asked.

Mela face palmed herself, "Oh my goodness, how'd we forget it was her birthday!?" Mela asked herself.

Juliana saw Kieran turn the corner, she felt her cheeks turn red.

She'd kissed him last night...on an impulse.

"You wanna spend the day with us?" Juliana asked the pair infront of her.

"Eh, why not? Couldn't hurt anyone!" Mela walked into Juliana's dorm without a care in the world, Eri followed, being slightly more careful.

Juliana turned to see Kieran, "Hey Juli, what's...going on?" He asked slowly.

"birthday." She answered.

"Wanna join?" She smiled. Kieran nodded, a slight smile on his face.

Finally, Ortega had found Juliana's room and entered.

Both boys sat either side Juliana.

After about an hour of video games, board games and such they went out for lunch.

Juliana walked into the café, the smell of hot coco and coffee flooding her nostrils.

"Hey Juju, good ta see ya again." The boy at the counter said. His Alcremie squealed with excitement at the sight of her.

"Soooo, can you get us a table for 10? or somewhere around that?" She asked.

Frappe paused, considering his options. "Sure, although, just cause you're a friend doesn't mean your not payin'"

He sat the large group at a table and pulled out two extra chairs, putting them either side of the table.

"Your orders?" He whipped out a notebook from his apron, along with a pencil.

"I'll take a frothy caramel coffee." Juliana said.

Kieran looked at the menu intently, "Can I try a few Yoyo's with a cup of sugar tea?"

"Hot coco." Ortega said coldly.

Mela giggled, "Can we have a couples milkshake?" She asked, Eri awed at the thought. "Mela, I thought we weren't gonna tell anyone?"

Everyone except Ortega giggled at the pairs interaction.

After they all ordered, Giacomo and Arven started a friendly argument about a VERY subjective topic, at least surrounding the school and Professor.

Excluding Nemona, Penny and Juliana herself, no one actually knew what happened to Arven's parents, Turo and Sada, Arven kept the knowledge of where they we're and they were doing to himself for so long.

Frappe arrived back at the table, giving everyone their drinks and leaving a box of sugary treats on the table.

Kieran took a sip of his drink. Immediately, this was the BEST sugar tea he'd ever had. Better then Gran's.

Kieran thought of his grandparents for what felt like the longest minute of his life.

"Kiki?" Juliana asked.

Kieran almost jumped.

"Huh? Wha?" He panicked.

Ortega snarled, "great, he's online." he muttered.

"Oi! Ortie, what was that for? poor Kieran doesn't deserve to be yelled at!" Eri glared menacingly at Eri.

Ortega got out of his seat and left the café.

he must have run into someone on his way out.

"HEY, watch it Pinkie!" A girl walked into the café, cradling a box under her arm with her phone in her other hand.

"Here, Frap, gran wanted me to give it to you."

Frappe carefully opened the lid to the delicate looking box.

"Ahh, I understand what this is for, thanks Latte, see you in a week."

The girl swivelled on the spot, she noticed Kieran.

"Hey Kiki." She walked over, "how you doin'?"

"fine." He muttered, cheeks as red as a Cherubi.

Latte giggled, as did pretty much everyone else.

"Hi, Latte was it? I'm Juliana!"

Latte gave a small smile, "Was that your friend who left not too long ago?" She asked grumpily.

"He was our friend, and he's not normally this rude, I'm Eri by the way!"

Latte shook her hand, "Must be a real bummer to have him around in a bad mood like that."

"Tell you guys what, I'll try and find him before I head back to school and give him a right good chat."

"Wait!" Juliana begged, "We could keep in touch, here's my, Arven and Penny's numbers."

Juliana passed a sticky note to Latte.

"Kay, see ya!"

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