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Juliana looked at her messages, Arven had texted her.

"Hey Juliana, it's me again, Arven. I've been trying to reach you all day, and even a bit before. We haven't seen you since you left for Blueberry academy, and we've all been trying to find you since your back...where are you? we all miss you Julie. I respect that you might have a lot going on, but would it pain you to meet us again? please, we all want to see you again."

Juliana sighed, she really DID need to see them all again, and they needed to see her again.

Kieran's words, "Juliana has everything! powerful Pokémon, friends!"

She felt tear well up in her eyes, she...didn't have most of those.

Arven, Nemona, Penny, Eri, Giacomo, Mela and Atticus is all she has.

Powerful Pokémon? What loser loses to everyone they battle every time they see each other.

Juliana was flattered that Kieran thought she was a strong person, at least in battles...but that couldn't be further from the truth.

Juliana calmed herself down, she knew what happened last time this happened...and it wasn't pretty.

Why do I have to be the person everyone leans on? Why do I have to deal with everyone's problems?...Why am I so weak?

On the outside, Juliana could seem like a more mentally stable person...but on the inside, she suffered from many mental health issues.

Only her mother, Arven and Ms Dendra knew of these issues.

Ms Dendra only learnt because of Juliana's first mental breakdown at school.

Arven learnt about a month after she'd first started going to school.

Juliana wanted to verbalise the reason she had these mental breakdown's to people...but, the was traumatic.

Tears escaped Juliana's face as the memory replayed.

8 years ago.

"Now, lets be careful as we make our way to Stow-on-side." Her father started.

Juliana smiled, "of course daddy! I'll be the carefullest there ever was!"

Juliana's dad climbed one of the many ladders on the way to Stow-on-side.

"hurry daddy! we're almost at Stow-on-side!" Juliana started to run across the land strip.

"JULIANA!!" Her father dove, pushing her out of the way just enough so she wouldn't get hurt...himself on the other hand, yeah he was alive...barely.

"DADDY!!" Juliana turned and ran over to her father, who was breathing sparsely.

Suddenly the Rhydon, of which had thrown an enormous boulder at Juliana fell to the ground unconscious.

"JEFFERY!!" Juliana's mother ran over to her husband, dragging him out from behind the massive mineral as she balanced him on his back.

"Juliana, run ahead and go to the Pokemon centre, alert the Nurse there that we require immediate help from doctors."

Juliana nodded, as the tears and shock stunned her silent.

"Ms Nurse Joy, my daddy has been hurt really bad, we need help from doctors really, really fast!" The Nurse nodded and opened a door to the backroom.

Suddenly an entire group of doctors made their way out of the building, jogging quickly to Juliana's mother.

"Is he breathing?" one asked, "what happened?" another asked, "He won't survive."

Everyone turned to one of the doctors, she had scars and stitches all around her, her coat ripped and torn to the point it was practically useless.

"I've dealt with enough patients, high speed rocks thrown by a Rhydon collapsing directly into the chest." She sighed, "no one comes back from that."

Juliana's mother broke down in tears.

"The only thing we can do now is put him out of his misery, even if he isn't conscious." The doctor walked over to the side of the path, tears running down her face, "please, everyone forgive me."

With a nightmarish squelch and crack, Juliana felt her world collapse, w-what had she just watched, w-why?

Juliana banged on the door, she was having a proper breakdown, she was crying so much she couldn't breathe.

The door swung open, "MISS JULIANA!" Ms Dendra screamed.

Picking Juliana off of the floor she ran to nurse's office.

"MIRIAM! Ms Dendra burst through the door, Juliana struggling to breathe.

The world went dark, she could hear panicked screams beside her as shoes screeched across the floors.

Pain spiked in Juliana's head, her headache began to turn into a migraine.

Through a strained voice she found the strength to speak, "help!" she croaked.

Finally, her eyes fluttered open. The bright light caught her off guard, sitting up she realised it was night out.

"Oh, thank goodness." Nurse Miriam sighed, almost falling out of her chair in the process.

"You went unconscious pretty quickly, do you feel alright?" Miriam walked up, a clipboard and pen in hand.

Juliana took a second, "y-yeah, I feel fine...I have a bad headache though." Juliana clutched her throbbing head, Miriam materialised a bottle from nowhere giving it to Juliana.

She didn't even spare a thought.

After a week of that incident she finally felt comfortable at Uvaranja to file a request to Director Clavell.

- Director Clavell, I request something for OUR transfer program, rather, someone. Kieran, from blueberry academy, while I was at Blueberry Academy, he was the student who stood out to me, at least a grade A student in battle studies and he wouldn't do bad in other subjects either. - A humble request from Ms Juliana.

Juliana felt her trembling breath as she forwarded her email to Director Clavell.

Juliana opened her bag, "I hope you come Kieran."

Holding the keychain tight in her hand, she felt tears leave her face.

"I hope you come see me."

Emotional OversurgeWhere stories live. Discover now