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(chapter xliii - in case you couldn't tell, things are going to shit)

SELENE FELT UNEASY as soon as they walked in the room.

All the senior counselors had gathered around the Big House Ping-Pong table by the time Percy, Annabeth and her made it down. Ever since two years ago — for some strange reason — the fucking Ping-Pong table had became the not-so-official place to hold war councils.

Everyone turned to them — mostly Percy — with wide eyes. At this, Percy almost instantly grabbed her hand — intertwining their fingers. Selene ran her thumb across his knuckles. When he turned to her, she smiled — giving a small, determined nod.

Percy tried to offer a smile back — however it looked more like a scowl. Knowing all the shit he had to deal with the last forty-eight hours — she did not take it personally in the slightest.

When he didn't say anything — and simply took a seat, Selene and Annabeth on either side of him — it resumed to that dreadful screaming match it was before.

From the looks of it, it was between Clarisse and Micheal Yew — the new head counselor for the Apollo cabin, ever since Lee had been killed. Clarisse was still in full battle gear — her electric spear was strapped to her back, and her knotted hair was forced back by a bandanna. She had a boar-shaped helmet tucked under her arm — and a box tucked under the other. Looking closer, Selene realized it was a box full of tiny packets of marshmallows.

"You think she might choke Micheal with those marshmallows?" Percy whispered to her — amused.

"She'll find a way to," Said Selene smugly — hitting his arm with a grin. "Honestly, feel bad for him. He's going to show up to archery tomorrow looking like that marshmallow dude from Ghostbusters."

"The tiny version of him, though," Percy agreed. "Y'know — the little annoying one."


"I mean, yeah. Look at Clarisse — she's towering over him. He's like — four foot five —"

"Hey, he makes up for it. He's got at least two extra feet of attitude."

Percy snickered — nudging Selene's side as she started to laugh, too. It probably looked crazy, really — all around them, there was pure chaos. Yet here they were — laughing. About that said chaos.

However their moment was quickly interrupted by Micheal — who, in front of them, stood on his tip-toes so he could get in Clarisse's face. It reminded Selene strangely of Mal — and how his dumbass tried to mess with Clarisse before. She wanted to smile at the memory, but then quickly realized that she was about to smile about Mal. So instead, she just frowned.

"It's our loot!" Micheal insisted — doing crazy hand gestures. "If you don't like it, you can kiss my quiver!"

"Ass, Micheal," Selene rose her brows — unimpressed. "The word you're looking for — it's ass."

Chiron shook his head — exasperated, "Selene —"

"No, no," Selene held her hand up. "Chiron — listen. A war is underway. Percy has the fate of the world on his shoulders. Me saying 'ass'? It should not be that high on your list of problems, my guy."

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