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Two years ago....
(roughly taking place two weeks after the events of The Lightning Thief)


She was pretty sure everyone hated it here. Some just hid it better than others. Selene wouldn't count herself as one of those people.

She was basically dragging her feet on the way to dinner, her head hung low. Stares being directed at her the minute she left her cabin — the whispers somehow not reaching her ears over the whistling wind. It's not like she cared what they were all saying — it was practically all the same now, anyway. Stupid rumors, and twisted, fake compliments that sounded more like direct insults on her life.

Okay — she sounds like a mood killer. But can you blame her, really? Being the only daughter of a god just strikes her in a shitty way. It would probably strike you in a shitty way too.

Artemis. Known by most Goddess of the moon, the hunt, chastity, and among other things she can't keep track of. She was a strong, grounded goddess — always guarded emotions, cold eyes, and a sort of wispy look to her. Most call her elegant, graceful, and beautiful, in a deadly sort of way. Most people around camp probably worshipped her — being, well, practically the only god without any kids. Ever.

That was when Selene came along. (Honestly, she sure is keeping up this mood killer thing pretty well. Pat on the back.)

Artemis had fell in love with a mortal woman. Running away from her own vows, she fell for the woman, and had a daughter with her.

Selene was never really taught how that worked. Artemis swore off to love as a whole many millennia ago, it wouldn't make sense that she had a daughter.

Then again, connecting the dots, Selene figured her mother probably did the same thing Athena did — and she did not want that process being explained to her. Not again.

She sighed — throwing her food into the fire carelessly and staring at it with dread, the fire illuminating her navy blue irises.

Gods, she hated this part.

'Hi, mom. It's me! Your...only daughter.'

Yes, she's being petty. And yes, she's visibly cringing at the thought of praying to her mom for really anything.

'I guess just....thank you for keeping me safe. Times are pretty tough right now. Some kid named Percy Jackson came to camp, and supposedly, he's the prophecy kid. I guess it just finally occurred to me that the war is underway, just like the prophecy said it would. It's pretty scary, y'know. I don't really trust this Percy kid. He barely even knew how to wield a sword properly up until two weeks ago. He just...ugh. He just has this stupid look to him. Stupid eyes. Stupid nose. Stupid hair. Stupid fa—'

A demigod from besides her bumped into her — forcefully throwing their food into the fire. It must've been an Aphrodite kid, because the smoke soon turned pink and thick, and smelled like new perfume. Deciding to end the prayer (more like rant) with a huff. she immediately scurried off — determined to not embarrass herself anymore than she has to.

As she walked out of Dining Pavilion, she caught sight of two people entering it. Annabeth Chase and Percy Jackson.

Annabeth was a daughter of Athena, and gods of Olympus, the girl was smart. As soon as Selene arrived to Camp Half-Blood, the two immediately clicked, and Selene considered the girl one of her only real friends at camp.

Her and Annabeth had a bond that was envied by all. They always were a feared duo at Capture The Flag — Annabeth's brain paired with Selene's brawn, it was not surprising they won almost every time.

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