Commence The Drabble Wars

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Alright, so I've given everyone more than enough time to get all of their votes in, and I'm done handing out warnings. I'm sorry to nicevibe and alicethereaper, but I can't hold the game up any longer to wait for you two to get your votes in, so you're out. Thank you for the votes you did get in, and thank you for your interest in this little game, but you're taking too long and it's not fair to everyone else. So I'm sorry, but you're out. No hard feelings, but I just can't keep waiting on you. 

Now, on to the people who are still in the game!

The pairings have been finalized, and here they are: 

Adrian — Noctis 

Carson — Riku 

Kayla — Bartz 

Miki — Dean 

Mina — Terra

Mythie — Sora 

Rowena — Gippal 

Autumn — Lavi 

Miraldia — Roxas 

Ali — Axel 

Megan— Ace 

Amarantha— Noel 

Rayne—    Zexion/Ienzo 

So the voters have spoken, and now comes phase two of the Shipping Wars: The Drabble Wars. 

You need to write a short story/drabble and send it to me to post here describing your OC meeting their partner (the person you were shipped with) for the first time. It doesn't have to be romantic, or start off with one of them asking the other out right away. Just show us their first encounters with each other.

The prompts for first date, first kiss, etc., will all come later. For now, your drabble assignment is just what was said above:

The Frist Metting. 

Due in (...lets just look at my track record and err on the safe side with plenty of time and say) 3 months, so October 1st. Feel free to turn it in early, but also don't be afraid to take your time.   

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2015 ⏰

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