Chapter Seven - Magicless

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Chapter Seven - The Return

Season 1 - Episode 19

There was an Enchanted forest filled with all the classic characters we know.

Or think we know.

One day, they found themselves trapped in a place where all their happy endings were stolen.

Our World.

This is how it happened...

At the hospital, Kathryn wakes to find herself being assessed by Octavia when Emma enters the room. "Emma. Come on in, Look who's awake," Octavia remarks, smiling at her friend and back at her patient.

"Kathryn, hi," Emma greets her, walking over to the bed

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"Kathryn, hi," Emma greets her, walking over to the bed. "Listen, I don't want to take a lot of your time. But, do you remember what happened?"

"I don't know much. Um, I was in a car accident, and...I remember the airbag going off. And the next thing I knew, I was in the dark, in some basement. I didn't see anyone, but there was food and water. And then, I guess I was drugged," Kathryn tells her, feeling a little sleepy from the treatments Octavia is giving her to help flush the drugs out of her system.

"Yeah. We're still trying to flush that out of your system," Octavia informs Emma as she writes in Kathryn's chart.

"And then, I woke up in a field at the edge of town, and I started walking. That was it," She finishes explaining.

"You saw no one? You didn't hear a voice? Smell perfume? Cologne? Anything?" Emma asks her, unsure who it could be, though she thinks it's Regina still.

"Nothing, no. I'm sorry. I wish I could help. Especially since... While I was gone, you thought I was dead?" The blond patient questions, and Emma looks at the Surgeon, who shrugs, guessing the nurses are gossiping again.

"Your DNA matched the heart we found," The Sheriff informs her with a guilty look on her face.

"They're grilling everybody down at the hospital lab to see who doctored the DNA results," Octavia assures them both. "Dr Whales is looking into it as we speak."

"Why would anyone do this?" Kathryn asks them.

"I think someone was trying to frame Mary Margaret," Emma tells her honestly.

"But why? I mean, who would do something like that?" She wonders.


Regina and Mr Gold are in his Pawn Shop having a secret meeting with the Villains to discuss Kathryn's surprise return. "You broke our deal," Regina spits at him in anger.

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