I Wish i knew..

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The past weeks y/n went back to being distant and acting as if she didn't want anything to do with Alex anymore which stung Alex a little bit but it stung y/n the worst..but she refused to give into her heart

Alex assumed that meant she didn't want to have any relations with him so he went ahead and moved on from her and began dating someone new

When y/n found out about Alex's new relationship she immediately wished she gave into her heart because just maybe she would have had a chance..?

Alex pov (omg a new pov that isn't y/n)
Alex had decided he'd walk around campus alone to clear his mind when he heard crying and comforting coming from somewhere so Alex found a spot where he could see who these people where as well as listen without being spotted

"I knew he didn't want to get back with me" y/n sobbed into Niki's arms and y/n tried to console her as best as she could . This sight hurt Alex more than ever.. "I wish I knew she wanted me.." he thought to himself realizing that he could've had a chance

Was it too late..? Alex wondered..maybe she'll get over me or maybe I'll get over my new girlfriend or she'll get over me.? Either way I just wanna y/n to be happy in the end..with or without me..

No pov

Alex decided that if he just gave it a few weeks something would happen and he told himself no matter what the outcome was is y/n was happy Alex would be happy too even if he didn't end up with her again..

Little did Alex and y/n know they would need less than a few weeks

No author notes sry!

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