Brain and Heart

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Y/n now had a lot to process when she was with Alex she felt some form of happiness around him..? Sort of like..ecstasy being high around him was nice and she was now confused about how she felt about Alex..she wanted to be closer as friends with him now but also kind of had a crush on him.

But really just a week or two ago she always told herself that being with him for those few months really wasn't all that..but now she was thinking that she's wants to be closer to him and maybe rebuild their relationship?

Her brain kept telling her that Alex wasn't the greatest to be with and she shouldn't go back to him at all costs and should just go back to being cold to him

Her heart is telling her to rebuild their relationship from s friendship but honestly everytime she gave into her heart it never ended out how she wanted it too.

She decided that she'd be logical and listen to her brain instead of her heart knowing deep down she'll give into her heart anyways but she ignored that feeling and told herself that no matter what she'd listen to only her brain.

"When did humans start to separate brain and heart as if they could stay alive alone flip it around the other way"

As soon as she agreed to herself it was as if her heart wasn't having it as she felt her feelings towards Alex grow stronger almost each and every minute but she pushed her hearts feelings away as she swore to stay true to her words and keep telling herself dating Alex wasn't all that..right?

Wait wait wait no y/n you cant be doubting yourself you literally just thought it yourself dating Alex isn't a good experience just a week or two ago!

Tiny chapter!
I'm tying a song into this chapter as well as the next chapter :D
This stories probs gonna be done soon!

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