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A/N: Guys sorry, this isn't an update, but I promise I'll send the next update Sunny's was soon.

Anyway, so you see, I've FINALLY started writing the that I've been planning since 2022. And this is the beginning of it, I'd really like it if you guys give it a read and give me some feedback.

And warning, this is the prologue and it will make absolutely NO sense, but that's how it's supposed to be so don't worry.


Crimson shone black in the firelight. His claws tore skin, leaving long, bloody gashes, the pleasure of that like no other.

That's what you get for resisting, brat. 

Laboured breaths, pained and exhausted, so vulnerable, echoed off the rock walls.

Music to my ears.

He raised his fist, claws ready for the final strike, but then, something hit the single torch burning in the corner. The light went out, and he could no longer see the pale face staring up at him through panicked, angered eyes, partly obscured by inky hair.

A whisper, "Never again."

A shift in the air, a sharp pain on the side of his head, his body tilting to the side.

Brat, how dare you—

Hasty scrambling, boots scuffing against the rock.

Don't you even think of it—

A grunt of effort, and fading footsteps down the tunnel.


He could feel his anger boiling as he tried in vain to get up, but the hit on the head had done more damage than he initially thought. His head spun, his limbs felt like lead all of a sudden.

He had no choice but to succumb to the wishes of his wounds.

I've failed you, my mistress. 


"I've failed you, my mistress," he said, head lowered, a crisp white bandage encircling his lush brown locks.

He could feel her fiery stare beating down on his bent back, but he did not look up from his bow. He had done so much, so much in order to gain her approval, but for what?

Some distant part of his mind uttered a reply, "For..."

He wanted things to go back to how they were. When he and his mistress had been inseparable. When all they had ever wished was to be together. To be happy... together.

What changed?

He didn't know... not for sure.

One night, they were together, and the next morning, it was all shattered.

The beautiful image which he had so painstakingly created.

All dust.

He had looked at her, uttered her name, tried to call her back but she had shaken him off, stared him down with eyes that were hers but weren't at the same time.

Something changed.

But he didn't care, all he wanted, was to be by her side and if it meant walking down the darkened path... so be it.

Besides, who doesn't like a little power anyway? A little control?

He could hear her heels clacking against the marble, echoing eerily around the grand hall, until they stopped before him.

He heard her huff, her melodious voice clear as crystal, calm and serene as the gentle waters of a stream, "I thought they might've been of use, but no."

"I'll send out search parties"

"No need."

That made him raise his eyebrows, still not glancing at her, "Mistress—"

"They were a hindrance," she stated, "they were never worthy of what was given to them, they held us back."

He was confused, now what was he to do?


"Just leave them be, they won't cause much trouble, but if they do..." she chuckled mirthlessly, "then hunt them down and wipe them out."

"But mistress, our son was with them," he voiced.

They say a child strengthens a family.


"Good riddance," she said.

Never mind. He never really cared about that waste of space anyway. 

He nodded, "further orders, mistress?"

Perfect fingers reached out and curled beneath his stubble-ridden chin and tugged it up as gently as one would caress a flower.

He met her amber eyes, her flawless lips twisted into a cruel smirk, "ready the troops, my darling..." she whispered, he could feel her scented breath, "... we're going to seize power, you and I."

He felt his own lips tilt up, his eyes glinted as he whispered back, "Yes, my mistress."

Word count: 683

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