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To say Sunshot was flabbergasted as realization hit him, would be an understatement.

If Paragon's mother was Ghost king's mother.... That would make them siblings?

Does that mean Ghost king killed THEIR sibling?

Had he murdered his own flesh and blood?

But then again, it made no sense. They couldn't possibly be brother and sister because Paragon was dark skinned and Ghost king, considering the small part of this neck which showed under the hood- which was also the only visible portion of skin on him- was pale as moonlight.


What if?

"Who are YOU calling mom, huh?" Paragon snapped out.

So Paragon didn't think Ghostie was her brother? Or was she just being salty?

Ghost king paid her no heed, "no way! This is impossible!"

"Just admit it, you killed him!" Paragon pounced on him.

Ghost king flipped out of the way, "I DID NOT! I AM YOUR BROTHER!"

Okay, so he WAS Paragon's brother somehow apparently, so that means he killed THEIR sibling?

This was the most talking that had happened in a giht between the two of them that Will was a witness to. Will wasn't sure if the talking was clearing things up for him, or if it was confusing him even more.

It was probably the latter.

"MY BROTHER IS DEAD!" Paragon cried.

"I'M NOT DEAD! I'M STANDING RIGHT INFRONT OF YOU!" Ghost king screamed back, whatever restraint he had had earlier seemed to be cracking.


Ghost king was claiming to be the brother who he was being accused of killing?


"SHUT UP!" Paragon flung herself at Ghost king, who faded into the shadows and re-materialized behind her.

He raised his gloved hands and curled his fingers into fists. Shadows darted towards him from all directions, dancing around him before winding themselves around Paragon, pinning her fists to her sides.

Ghost king walked around her to look her in the eye, his voice heavy with emotion Will didn't know he was capable of possessing, he spoke, "please, you have to believe me, I didn't kill your brother, I AM him!"

Paragon held his gaze, silence engulfing them.

Silence so deafening, so... impending.

Paragon parted her dark lips, "I... LIAR!"

She stuck out one of her feet, the only limbs she had that were not bound, and caught Ghost king in the knee, effectively sweeping him off his feet.

Ghost king had clearly not been expecting that, he only had a split second to register what was happening before he crashed to the ground.

Will winced internally as he saw Ghostie's head collide with the ground. The shadow faltered as his concentration broke, and Paragon wriggled free of her bounds.

She stood over Ghost king as he tried to gather his scattered bearings and raised her gem encrusted fist, "this is for my brother, Nico di Angelo!"

Okay what now-??

Nico di-


Paragon brought down her fist and-

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