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A/N: Hey guys! This is more or less a filler chapter, but, hope you enjoy!

Nico could not believe he agreed to do it.

But whatever said and done, he had to admit, it was a good idea.

No one would question it now when they were together, or hidden away in some corner, or if they had to just... vanish during school time.

It was a good idea.

Nico hated it when Mary Sunshine had good ideas.

Currently, they were in the cafeteria, having lunch. Will had given Nico a crash course on 'how-to-look-like-you-are-dating-when-you-are-not" because they're first few tries to look like a couple had gone down the drain.

It didn't make Nico feel less awkward though.

Will, on the other hand, was a natural when it came to lovey-dovey stuff. So Nico just let him take the lead.

They sat next to each other, closer than normal, their shoulders touching. Cecil and Lou Ellen, Will's friends, had been over the moon at the news of Will dating.

"Thank god!" Cecil said, "I was getting tired of his ranting." Then he mimicked a high pitched voice, clearly impersonating Will, "oh he's so beautiful! I mean, did you see his hair? His eyes are so mysterious! The cheekbones! Oh and not to mention, that jawline-"

He was interrupted rather rudely by an empty juice box hitting his square on the nose, "hey! That was rude! Every person has a right to speak their mind!"

Will huffed, looking as red the half eaten strawberry on his tray, and crossed his arms, completely ignoring Cecil's last comment, "okay, one, I do NOT sound like that and two, I NEVER said ANYTHING of that sort."

"Sure Will, whatever helps you sleep at night," Cecil winked.

Will threw his head back with a groan, while Nico looked at him inquisitively.

"You seriously said that?" he asked, he was genuinely curious.

"No..." Will looked away with a huff, extracting a small, involuntary smile from Nico.

Nico's thoughts were swirling. Will had always openly flirted with him since his first day of school, but Nico never actually thought he would actually like him.

Like... LIKE like him.

But turns out, maybe he did...

Nico didn't really know what to do with the information. What Will saw in himself, Nico had no clue, but another, much pressing question twisted and turned in his mind.

Did HE like Will?

Honestly, it was... complicated.

Don't get him wrong. Will was a really nice guy, and now that Nico looked at him, he WAS really cute.

Of course, they had made up, but they had still spent a long time fighting each other as Sunshot and Ghost king, so... Nico didn't exactly... completely trust him yet.

He trusted Will enough to let him help with Hazel. Don't ask him why, because he didn't know what made him spill the beans to Will.

But to start a real relationship with him...

He trusted Will as a friend/business associate now, but as a partner? A boyfriend?

Nico was still getting there.

And... don't tell anyone, but honestly, he would LIKE to get there one day.

(A/N: Tell that to everyone- * Nico appears and bashes my head*)

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