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Mess Hall

January 16

1820 hours

  "Here's the first thing you need to know about spy school: It sucks." When Ben was rescued, he immediately looked up to Murray, and thought of him as a genuine friend. You didn't. However, you didn't hate him either. Out of all the antagonists, he was certainly your favorite. It's because you knew what he does already that you were more inclined to stop him right now, rushing things.  

  He seemed to wear food on his face, because he was always cramming it into his mouth. The current food of choice for him, was spaghetti that tasted slightly better than shit.

  You weren't looking around to check, but you assumed that you were getting the same looks that Ben was getting. Perhaps even more if you take into account that you were 4 years older than all the other first years. You had more concerning things to focus on, however.

  This being Murray's words. He could possibly have different dialogues because of your older age, along with the possibility that he heard you outsmart Chip. 

  "Everything you despise about normal school? We have that too." He continues to cram spaghetti into his mouth. "Most of the teachers suck, our principal is buns, I'm sure you've already tasted how bad the food is, bullies (Chip being a prime example), and sometimes people try to kill you." You noticed that this was a slight bit of foreshadowing, seeing as you'd most likely be attacked by Sal Minella tonight. You also wondered if Murray had added the last part in as a joke, because he knew you'd be attacked.

  "You wouldn't be suggesting the Chip was planning on..."

  "Killing you? Nah!" He slaps the air, shoving the idea out of the way. "By the looks of it, he wouldn't be able to if he tried. And besides, he needs to have someone he can pressure into doing his bidding."

  You doubted that if you and Chip had fought right then that'd you'd have won. But you didn't comment on this, since Murray didn't give you the chance.

  "What'd he want you to do? I wasn't too late, right? Had you already accepted and I shocked him for no reason?"

  I shake my head, doing my best to stomach the spaghetti. "Wanted me to hack into the school mainframe for one of his classes."

  "He needs to smarten up. There's no point in going through all that trouble just to boost his grade." He pauses before talking again. "Although, it was smart to use someone else to cushion the fall for him. It's a good thing you didn't accept, or else you'd probably be packing your things by now." You agreed with this completely.

  "He's still insane for trying it."

  "That's why this place is called an institution." He does a whole thing with raising his arms in the air like he's trying to get the audience to cheer. "If you're not going to eat any more of that, I'll take it."

  He points towards your spaghetti. You take one more bite before sliding the bowl over to him. "Big mistake. This is the best they have." He goes to town on the spaghetti.

  "If that's the best they have. I think I'll start fasting."

  Murray laughs at this. "If you can make peanut butter and jelly, do it. I'm certain that the chefs make the food terrible on purpose, build up our immunity to poison. Arsenic's got nothing on the meat loaf here."

  "The way you've described everything makes this place sound like a dump. Is there seriously nothing here to enjoy?"

  "Well, there's a lot of hotness here. Girl-wise." He waves around the mess. "Some of the classes are alright. Oh! And the board games in the lounge room are pretty fun. But don't play them while Rodney is there, he gets seriously competitive."

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