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Money & Kings Funeral Home

Vienna, Virginia

January 16

1130 hours

  By now, the funeral ceremony was long over. Your family, and a few others, had decided to help clean up before everyone officially left. You had just finished helping with some heavy lifting (it was not a casket, because his parents had requested he be cremated... for some reason), and were now taking a break outside. 

  Because people would come and go from the front door, you found it best to hide out back where it was quiet... and you could think. And think you did! For an entire hour, which led you to now. 

  You had come to terms with the fact that spy school was real fairly quickly. What you had not come to terms with, was that the main character was dead, and that everyone else was suddenly remembering fictional people as a part of their lives. You weren't quite sure why you weren't affected the same way, but you assumed that it was because you had read the novels.

  Your mom always said that she tried the first book, but couldn't get into it. Your dad always said that you should be doing more manly things, like playing football (even though you went out with your friends all the time to do so). And your sister... well she said it was junk designed for kids.

  Before you had the chance to get back to thinking, and hopefully figure out why Ben was dead, a voice that had: 'I'm cool,' written all over it spoke to you. Of course, the man speaking to you was anything but cool.

  "Hello..." He checked his paper, as if he hadn't remember your name. Although, 'as if' probably wasn't the right term, he most definitely forgot your name. "...Y/N. My name is Alexander Hale. I work for the CIA."

  The way Ben had described him when first meeting him was incredibly spot on. He was wearing a tuxedo, and certainly looked like a spy to anyone who watched even a clip of James Bond. He also seemed to look about fifty years old, and had all the things you needed to be a spy. Suave, debonair... yeah, he checked those off. Alexander also had a small scar on his chin.

  Instead of it being an arrow or a bullet... I have the sneaking suspicion he tripped and busted it open... You thought. However, now that you had done your brief analysis of him... you had to respond.

  "What does the CIA want with me?" You ask, figuring it wasn't a terrible option. You also didn't want to jump the gun, and immediately assume that they wanted you to begin training to be a spy.

  "Well, to be frank kid... we've been watching you." The way he said this sounded like a joke mixed with blatant honesty. He probably wanted to make up for forgetting your name with subtle intimidation.

  "Is why I'm being watched classified?"

  "No. And to answer the why... it's because you have extraordinary talent." His bluffing skills were no joke, since he had been training them since he was in spy school. You began to think that he would make a seriously good salesman. 

  Before he continued speaking, he dug in his tuxedo's inside pocket until he found an envelope. He handed it to you. The envelope itself had your name taped onto it, and the tape was coming off. When you rolled the tape back slightly, the letters B and E came up.

  Had he personally made the envelope? Or is the CIA's budget so bad that they couldn't afford to make a new envelope for me?

  You shrugged this off as Alexander continued speaking. "Go ahead and read it. It's too risky for me to simply say it's contents out loud." He paused for a moment, before adding more. "Which I could, since I memorized them." This was a lie.

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