Chapter 15

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*Rasazy's POV*

     Another day, as always... At least we know Selever and I will join Mama and Papa someday. Selever is currently spectating them- and I quote- "hoping they will fuck". At times I cannot fathom that I am younger than him...

     "Sel!", I yell from the other side of our void. He doesn't hear me, as he is too invested in watching our parents (who are not partaking in sexual intercourse), and has been ever since the picnic.

     "Sel.", I say again, now behind him.

     "Shut up, I'm watching Mom and Dad.", he says, not even bothering to turn around.

     "Yes, I can tell. I would like to spectate another alternate universe..."

     Though Selever and I both have powers, being half-demons, our powers are not all shared. Sel, like Mama, can jump universes, change how our void appears, fly, make portals and universe mirrors, and some other things. I have telekinesis, can make certain objects appear out of thin air, make universe mirrors, and one or two other things.

     "Can it wait?"

     "I am taking a break from reading, and it is not my fault I do not possess such ability."

     "Ugh, fine...", he says, still not bothering to look in my direction, waving one of his hands, creating a portal to some alternate universe.

     "Thank you, brother. I will be back in a bit.", I say, as I step into the portal.

     I open my eyes once on the other side of the portal, and look around to see I am in a school setting. I must be in the high school alternate universe again, being one of my favorites, reminding me of some of the happier books I've read.

     Around the corner, I hear two people talking. As I am not a part of this universe, I cannot be seen or heard, so I turn around to see who it is. I am greeted by a high-school-aged Mama and Papa, holding hands. They must be dating now, in line with our universe...

     "Lol, that test last hour was soooo boring.", my alternate universe mom says.

     "Boring, but at least you know you're going to ace it.", my alternate universe dad says.

     "It was boring because it was easy."

     "For you, maybe. You ditch every other day and still maintain your perfect student status."

     "You're lucky I let you copy my work. Otherwise you'd be a ditcher and failing."

     "That I am.", he says, kissing her on the cheek. How adorable...

     By the front doors of the school, I see the universe's equivalent of the blue-haired boy and his girlfriend, along with Pico. The two are already obnoxious as is, but combining them, of all people, with the immature mindsets of high school students is a horrible idea. Then again, I cannot control what alternate universes exist. There must be thousands of alternate universes out there...

     As the alternate Mama and Papa walk past them, Mama proceeds to indirectly trash-talk the kids, sounding awfully like Selever, as past Mama is where Selever got his... unique personality.

     "Hey Taki!", Mama says as she approaches the alternate version of the alien-nun.

     "... Hello."

     Real Mama and Taki already get along fine, both being dedicated to the Lord, so it's no surprise their high school equivalents seem to be getting along just as fine.

     I spend a bit more time in this alternate universe, before stepping back into the portal that brought me here.

     When I get back, I walk over to Sel, who is still spectating our parents.

     "I'm back. What did I miss?", I say.

     Selever turns around to face me, grinning cheek to cheek.

     "Oh you'll never guess~"

     At least some progress was made...


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