Chapter 12

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*Sarvente's POV*

     It's been a bit since we met our swap personality selves- I hope we meet them again soon! Masses are done for the day, as it's late afternoon, and Ruv and I are going to the movies... I'm in my room, cleaning up, while Ruv is on the couch waiting for me.

      Though I know he can't really smile, considering the damage the muscles in his face took in the fight that cost him his left eye, he seems genuinely happy, and for that, I'm grateful, as I'm happy being with him. Even though I'm the only person he can be with, because of his vow to not leave my side, he chose to be with me, rather than just remaining good friends. I honestly can't imagine where I'd be if I never met Ruv...

     "Ready to go, Ruv?", I ask once I'm done.

     "...Yes.", he responds, to which I smile, then we put our coats on and head out.

     We walk to the theater, as always. Neither of us have a car, mainly because I just prefer not to drive and Ruv can't get a license under his name, as he is a wanted criminal, though it would be nice to have one for these cold months of the year.

     "Are you sure it's okay to wear your normal clothes?", I ask Ruv as we walk. "There's going to be a lot of people, and I don't want you to be recognized..."

     "Da, it should be fine.", he responds reassuringly. I mean, we came to see a movie, and not to have innocent people slaughtered over his recognition, but the increase of his wanted posters worries me...

     We finally arrive at the movie theater. Ruv let me pick the movie this time, but I made sure to pick one he'd [hopefully] enjoy too- a murder mystery film! I also wanted to try something a little different from the romantic comedies we usually watch, and I know Ruv enjoys solving the story as if he's the detective, like in those little Catch a Murderer games, or whatever they're called...

     "Could we please get a jumbo popcorn, some gummy bears, and some Red Hots?", I ask the woman with a pastel pink and blue afro who is running the movie concessions. (Author comment: This is referring to Foodieti! I love her music and videos!) When it comes to candy, which I don't each much, I prefer sweet and fruity flavors. Ruv prefers spicy, bitter, sour, or hard candy, all of which but spicy I am not too fond of. Then again, he treats himself even less than I do, so this is a treat for both of us.

     "Wait...", the woman says. I sweat nervously, and Ruv squeezes my hand in reassurance. She chuckles as she realizes something. "Sorry, I just forgot we had Red Hots here... I think you're the first person to buy them since I started working here. But then again, I haven't been here that long." She hands us the candy and popcorn, and I give her the money for it.

     "God bless you, and have a good day!", I say, trying to sound normal again. Ruv and I head into the dimmed theater room for our movie, and not that many people are in the room.

     "Are you sure this was a good idea?", I ask Ruv, even though the idea was mine. "We kinda stick out, as it seems not many people come to see the movies during the winter..."

     "It's ok, Sarv. Less people means I am less likely to be spotted.", he responds.  I half-smile, and take some deep breaths in an attempt to calm myself down. I shouldn't worry, as this will be a fun date for Ruv and I, and it will all go fine. I hope.

     The movie plays for a bit. A group of friends take a week off at a small but fancy tropical resort where it's only them, but every night one of them is found dead, with no trace of how they were killed. Ruv is in deep thought, trying to solve how and who, while I'm just waiting to see, instead of taking the time to figure it out myself.

     "... I think I got it.", Ruv says.

     "Don't spoil!", I say in a semi-pouty voice, just to get shushed by a wolf in a colorful hoodie (Author comment: Another cameo, this time for Kapi, who is a wolf (and not a cat) in my AU.) in the row in front of us.

    "Poison! They were poisoned!", the main character in the movie says. I wish I had thought of that!

     Ruv frowns. "If they were poisoned, it would have to be an extremely lethal and hard-to-find poison, or it would be a common poison that would slowly kill them. The others would have been able to tell if they were slowly poisoned, as they would be вялый..."

     The wolf turns around to Ruv as we get up to leave, as the movie is over. "Dang, you sure know a lot about poisons."

     Ruv does not show any fear, as always. "... My father was a police officer." Though Ruv is a skilled liar, this is actually true. Not where he learned about poisons, though.

     We walk back to the church, while I finish my gummy bears. It's colder out now, and I'm almost shivering. Now I really wish I wore a heavier coat...

     "Here, Sarvente, take my jacket and ушанка.", Ruv says.

     "It's okay, Ruv. You need your coat too.", I say.

     "I'll be fine. I have been in far worse weather with fewer supplies, and compared to that, I am lucky."

     I smile, and put on his ushanka and jacket. Then, my heart drops. Police sirens.

     Ruv has lectured me many times on these types of situations, so I know better than to break into a run, as that would be a sign that you know you did something. Or many things.

      The police drive right past us, and I can hear the radio chatter grow more and more distant. I sigh in relief.

      "If they were looking for me or know who I am, then they must not have recognized me without my coat and ушанка. Such a shame... I thought I might have the chance to try out my new серп. But, at least we are safe for another day."

     "Thank the Heavens for that.", I say as I hug him.

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