Chapter 6 : Him

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As Advika  lay in bed ,thoughts of Daksh ,the man with the charming smile,lingers in her mind.She thinks how she didn't notice how handsome and charming his eyes were which had so much serenity and composure and  his warm smile  formed vividly in her memory. She found herself replaying their conversation in the park, his supportive presence a source of comfort amidst the shadows of her grief. "He's so handsome and charming," she mused to herself, a faint blush warming her cheeks as she recalled their encounter.
              Lost in deep thoughts, Advika's  mind drifted to the subtle way how  Daksh's eyes crinkled when he smiled, the calmness  in his voice, and the quiet strength that seemed to come from him. "What would it be like to spend more time with him?" she wondered, a hint of curiosity tinged with uncertainty.
                   As exhaustion crept over her, Advika finally succumbed to sleep, her dreams infused with fleeting images of Daksh smiling and talking with her.
               The next morning, Advika awoke from slumber to the sound  of a text message on her phone. Rubbing  her eyes, she reached for her device and read Riya's unexpected message.
          The message read as, "Hey Advika, I hope you're doing okay. I wanted to let you know that I'm going to Germany for my father's work. It's a sudden trip, but I'll be back before you know it. Take care, and we'll catch up soon. Love you!"
               Sadness washed over Advika as she processed Riya's departure. Riya had been the constant anchor in her life, the person she could confide in and share her deepest thoughts and fears with. The prospect of her absence felt like another loss.
Alone in her room, Advika felt a surge of emotions—loneliness mingled with gratitude for having someone like Riya in her life.
        Gathering her thoughts, Advika composed a reply to Riya, her words a mixture of reassurance . "I'll miss you, Riya. Take care and keep me updated. We'll catch up when you're back. Love you too," she typed, her fingers dancing over the keys before hitting send.
                 In the absence of Riya's physical presence, Advika found herself seeking solace in the memories of her encounter with Daksh. His supportive words and empathetic presence had left a  sense of encouragement within her. As she sat in her room, grappling with the weight of her emotions, she felt a sudden surge of inspiration.
            Advika retrieved her guitar, the familiar strings offering a sense of comfort and familiarity. With Daksh's words echoing in her mind, she began to strum, pouring her heart into the music. The chords resonated with the depths of her emotions, each note a testament to the pain and longing she carried within.
             For a fleeting moment, as her voice intertwined with the melody, Advika felt a glimmer of hope—the promise of healing through self-expression.
        However, as the song faded into the stillness of the room, Advika was once again confronted by the stark reality of her loss. The echoes of her father's absence resonated through her being, casting a shadow over her fragile self. Doubt and regret crept in, drowning out the fleeting moments of solace she had found."I could have spent a little more time with Baba," she whispered to the empty room, her voice laden with sorrow. Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring the images of memories past. "I wish I would have known it's the last time I'm seeing him," she continued, her words a lamentation for the unfulfilled moments she now longed for.
         "I miss you, Baba. I miss you so much," Advika cried, her voice choked with unspoken love and longing. The depth of her sorrow echoed through the stillness, reaching through the guitar
that was once  held dear to her.
             Amidst the tumultuous tide of emotions, Advika clung to the flickering sense of hope and love ignited by Daksh's words. She knew deep down that healing was not a linear path ,but she resolved to hold onto the threads of hope that was provided by Daksh.
             "Am I falling in love ?"was her question to herself as she herself didn't knew how she was attracted to an unknown yet known person.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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