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"She was just a new born baby when her mother died,everyone present thought her to be bad for the family as  after taking birth she killed her mother. " Mrs Sharma was thinking seeing Advika crying  over her dead father's body.

Mrs. Sharma, the elderly neighbor who had witnessed Advika's birth, stood in the doorway, watching as the young girl wept beside her father's lifeless body. The memory of that fateful day when Advika came into the world haunted Mrs. Sharma's thoughts. Advika was just a newborn baby when tragedy struck — her mother's life cut short during childbirth. It was an event that left her family  in shock, and whispers of superstition  that lingered like a ghost.

Her family steeped in age-old beliefs, couldn't fathom the tragedy as mere misfortune. In their minds,  the unfortunate incident of her mother's death cast a dark shadow over the family. Rumors spread like wildfire, blaming the newborn for the untimely demise of her mother. Whispers of superstition painted Advika as an ill omen, a misfortune that hovered over her family like an unshakeable curse.

She observed Advika grow up, witnessing the beautiful moments as Advika's father became her sole anchor, her family remained skeptical, always ready to  misinterpret her birth and she also remembers how the family members wanted her father Viraj Somani to leave her and if he brought her in his life then  they would  never talk to him again .And her father chose her over his family because she was the only precious gift from his loving wife and he could not afford to lose her.

Now, as Mrs. Sharma witnessed Advika's tears mingling with the raindrops on her father's lifeless form, she couldn't help but reflect on the unfair burden that the young girl had carried since infancy. The weight of superstition and societal judgment had molded Advika's life, shaping her into a resilient yet tormented soul but under her father's hand she was the blessed child .Now that he is no more she is not unable to cope up with it .

In that moment, Mrs. Sharma's heart wavered between the ingrained suspicions of the past and the undeniable grief before her. She knew that beneath the family's believe, there lay a vulnerable girl who had lost not only her mother on the day of her birth but now, her father too. The cycle of tragedy seemed unbroken, and Mrs. Sharma couldn't help but wonder if it was the burden of unfair accusations that had shaped Advika's destiny or if fate had simply dealt her an exceptionally cruel hand.

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