Chapter 4: The Encounter

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As Advika and Riya  were enjoying the beauty of the setting sun, Riya's phone rang, interrupting the peaceful moment. "Sorry, Advika, I need to take this. It's my mom," Riya explained , stepping aside to answer the call.

Alone now, Advika allowed her gaze to wander, taking in the beauty of the park. Her eyes settled on a figure nearby—a young man with a book in hand, his expression somewhat indifferent. There was an air of serenity about him that drew her attention, amidst the bustling sounds of the city .

Withe Curious eyes, Advika watched as the young man closed his book and approached her with a warm smile. "Hi there! I couldn't help but notice you sitting here. Mind if I join you?" he asked politely, his eyes kind and inviting.

Advika, taken aback by his friendly gesture, nodded with a shy and hesitant smile. "Sure, please have a seat," she replied, making room for him on the bench.

The young man introduced himself  with his voice soft ,"I'm Daksh. It's a beautiful evening, isn't it?" he remarked, his eyes beautiful.

Advika nodded in agreement, feeling a sense of ease in Daksh's presence. "Yes, it is. I often come here to clear my mind," she admitted, opening up slightly to this unexpected companion.

Daksh observed Advika's silence , sensing an underlying sadness beneath her words. "Is everything alright?" he asked gently, with genuine concern.

Advika hesitated for a moment, "I... I lost my father recently. It's been tough," she confessed, her voice tinged with the raw emotion of grief.

Daksh listened attentively, his expression sympathetic. "I'm so sorry to hear that. Losing a loved one is never easy," he replied softly, offering a comforting presence.

Encouraged by Daksh's understanding, Advika found herself opening up further. "It feels like a part of me is missing. I don't know how to cope sometimes," she admitted, her vulnerability spilling out in the quiet exchange.

Daksh nodded empathetically. "It's okay not to have all the answers right now. Just take things one step at a time," he reassured her.

In that moment, Advika felt a glimmer of hope stir within her wounded heart. Daksh's presence, his genuine empathy, became a ray of light in the shadows of her grief.

As Riya returned from her call, Advika glanced at her friend with a small smile. "Riya, I think I'll stay here for a little longer. You go ahead for your work," she said, a newfound sense of calm settling over her.

Riya nodded , recognizing the shift in Advika's words. "Alright, Advika. I'll catch up with you later," she replied, bidding her farewell.

Left alone once more with Daksh, Advika felt a sense of connection blossoming in the unexpected encounter. The park, now a backdrop to their conversation, held the promise of healing and the potential for a new friendship that transcended the boundaries of grief.

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