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Please put me out of my misery. I can't live like this anymore. I've fought the voices time and time again just to be met with defeat. I know I must keep fighting, but I'm tired of trying. Im forced to keep

on going because of what the future has in store for me. Every day, I get closer to freedom, but farther from hope. My tough outer shell is withering, and their words are hindering, like daggers

falling, stopping me from persevering. The more my shell weakens, the more their words piecre through my skin. Every day, it gets a little harder to live the more blood I lose. Everything hurts, I'm

in pain, I want to give up and die so bad, but I hear freedom calling to me and Death reminding me.

The Dark Ages Vol.3 The End Is Near? [Formerly "Blaring Thoughts"]Where stories live. Discover now