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7:18 Am

{Svetlana Rona Mikhail }

I chuckled softly, a wry smile playing on my lips as I gazed down at the newspaper cradled in my hands.

The news of my uncle's demise at the hands of a murderer was indeed shocking, yet there was a sense of satisfaction that coursed through me.

That man, who had inflicted so much suffering upon me, had finally met his end.

I could only hope that in the afterlife, he would receive the retribution he so rightfully deserved.

May he face the consequences of his actions as he descends into the fiery depths of hell.

"Are you truly jesting at his demise within your thoughts at this moment?"

I raised my gaze to meet the piercing emerald eyes of my sister, a look of disdain etched upon her regal features.

With a smirk playing upon my lips, I held her gaze unwaveringly and replied,

"And what if I am? It serves him right, does it not?"

The air around us seemed to crackle with tension, our words laced with a hint of aristocratic disdain as we stood locked in a silent battle of wills

"Svet, it is imperative that you release yourself from the shackles of the past, for we are yet to uncover the entirety of the truth,"

my sister retorted, her words dripping with anger. In response, I emitted a maniacal laugh, my eyes fixed once more on the newspaper spread before me, adorned with images capturing the somber occasion of my uncle's funeral.

The weight of the moment hung heavy in the air.

"I dare say, it appears that his daughter shall soon ascend to the throne of his company. How intriguing indeed,"

I remarked with a mischievous glint in my eye.

My sister, taken aback by my expression, quickly shook her head in disapproval and replied with a stern tone.

"Nay, nay, I shall never permit such a deed to come to pass. You may seek vengeance in any other manner, but to make her a pawn in this game is a line I shall not allow you to cross,"

she retorted with a fiery anger in her eyes.

"She is innocent and I will not stand doing nothing by while you seek to harm her."

With a sly grin, I cast a manipulative glance at my sister before tossing a stack of documents in her direction.

As she perused the contents, a look of shock and disbelief crossed her features, rendering her speechless.

I chuckled at her reaction, relishing in the power I held over her.

"Try me"

Leaning in close, I whispered cryptically in her ear before striding out of the room, the sound of my heels echoing against the polished floor.

"The opulent existence of the Devereux heiress is but a fleeting illusion, destined to crumble beneath the weight of my machinations."

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