Chapter 8

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A window with a simple design through it, the light falls on Ada. It was her twin sister. Three-year-old baby crawling through the grass. Her parents are laughing and running behind her to hold her. They glow in the light.

This started to dissolve in the dark, and a wooden door appeared there. Ada ran towards the door. Opened the knob. There was a huge beam of light, and she ran through it. 

She saw the road she had been travelling with Rahul. The same landscape, clouds, everything as it was earlier. But no car, Rahul is nowhere to be seen. In the middle of the road, she looks like a minute sapiens in the nature picturesque portrait.

Ada waked miles and shouted for help but no one is their to help her. she fell unconsious.

When she opened her eyes. She was in the hospital. She saw the bulb on the top. On either side, her uncle aunt and brothers are standing. Rahul is waiting outside.

Nobody knew what happened. On the other hand , Ada is happy to know about her whereabouts and to meet her departed parents.

Aunt asked Ada "what happened,dear. Tell me." Ada replied "Aunt I don't remember anything."

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