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Fandom: Fundamental paper education.

Name: Miss Mau.

Nicknames: teacher, miss, mau-mau (-Miss circle's doing).

Gender: Female.

Age: 37.

Sexual orientation: just queer, thinks labels are unnecessary.

Birthday: The date is unknown, however she acts like a Scorpio.

Love interest: Miss Circle (MY BELOVED PSYCHOPATH <33)

Eye color: she has deep grey eyes with white pupils.

Hair color: like the rest of the cast, it's black.

Hair style: Medium length, wavy hair that's usually up in a bun, only down in fight scenes. It's less puffy than Miss Circles.

Skin tone: uh, white? like the rest of the cast I guess. She does have some light grey freckles across her nose.

Backstory: So she joined the school as the teacher of the performance arts (dance and drama) (ik there's probs already a teacher for this but pretend there's not kk) and took a liking the Miss Circle, the two were often seen hanging out on their breaks and discussing the kids...

No one's confirmed anything, but it's obvious they're dating. If you fail one's class, you automatically seem to fail the other, no matter how good your grades were. And when one of the teachers are running down the hall after a student, she may chime in, but if it's Miss Circle, she's for sure helping her.

And also, she always has this pet cat on her shoulder. Whenever a student acts badly, or when she places anything D or below on her paper, the cat jumps up, gives the student a scratch down their arm and just helps to keep them in line.

But when that cat sees an F on the paper, not only will Miss Mau start to chase after the student, but if that cat gets them and sinks their fangs into them, a light venom enters their veins and slows them down. But it's not enough to kill them, that's Miss Mau's job.

the kitty's name is Nibbles :3

Extra: She's often seen wearing a black collared shirt that seems to fade to white, and a skirt that's about knee length that she seems to be able to run in. Along with a corset belt connecting the two. And when she's watching auditions as such, she has sunglasses on to hide her eyes.

And you know how the other's all have something on their head? She has the words 'auditions open' written on there.

(her cat is female also)

her voice is the norweigan setting on google translate

And after Miss Circle and her are together, Miss Mau and her are quite often seen hand in hand in the mornings, and embracing each other while still covered in blood of their most recent victim <3


This was inspired by :


who made an amazing oc and I would recommend checking them out :)

I'm kind of being sucked into the fandom now so I may write some stuff with Miss Mau in it just so you know


thanks for reading, love you, mwah

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