3. Mihawk's Class

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If Beni had let it been known that she was an omega, she was sure she would be crowded by her new classmates, each one wanting to leave their scent on her. Fortunately for Beni, she developed a drug that almost completely suppressed all of her omega traits, her scent was suppressed to the point of smelling like a beta. Unfortunately, the drug wasn't able to fully stop her nesting instinct or help her physical strength. Since omegas were naturally weak, Beni worked hard and pushed her body far past its limits. She still wasn't all that strong but put any sort of weapon in her hand and she could take anyone down.

After her initial introductions to those interested enough to talk to her and Usopp telling her about those who weren't, Beni found herself being stared at by one of the latter. According to Usopp, his name was Trafalgar Law and he suspected that she wasn't actually a beta. Being exposed so early was a beautiful idea, if she wanted to spend the rest of her days being harassed. Beni cared about her privacy, so having someone already be suspicious of her was troublesome. After lunch had ended, Shank's class had two classes before it was their last class, a general combat class which was taught by Mihawk. Having changed into her school issued gym uniform, Beni was the second to enter the gym, the only other people there were Mihawk and Law. She chose to catch up with Mihawk.

"He is starting at you quite intensely." Her uncle observed as he crossed his arms.

"I'm well aware, Mihawk. Apparently, he believes I'm not a beta. I wonder what could be causing him to think that." Beni pondered, Mihawk could tell that it was bothering her.

"Well, you'll just need to prove it to him. More often than not, this is a weapons class." Mihawk knew that despite her being physically weak, Beni was a weapons expert.

More students had entered the gym, causing Mihawk and Beni to split. Beni chose to stand by her new friend, Robin. They had met in between classes and found that they have similar interests. She already knew a little bit about Robin thanks to her cousins, but meeting her in person let Beni know that they would get along wonderfully. Seeing the new student with their friend, some of the straw-hats were hesitant to join. Zoro, Nami, and Vivi didn't like her. They wouldn't let themselves like someone who didn't value the bond between mates, a home wrecker. Sanji was split on what to do, on one hand he agreed with his mate and the lesbians, but on the other hand Beni was a woman. Luffy, Usopp, Chopper and Franky had no problem with talking to Beni, though Franky was a bit reluctant at first. Luffy didn't care about what happened since he saw Beni, Koby, and Drake all laughing together during lunch, if they didn't care why should he? When Chopper learned that Beni had an interest in medicine, he instantly liked her. Usopp was her only cousin in the class, Uta was excused from the class to take a music class.

Mihawk started the class as soon as the clock changed. The class started with them running laps, Beni let herself stay in the middle of the crowd so she didn't stand out more than she already had. After their laps, they were forced to stretch, Mihawk walked around the gym using a wooden sword to fix people's posture. Once they were done with stretches, he pulled Beni to the center of the gym.

"At the beginning of the year, I make every student fight me so that I may gauge their strengths and weaknesses. Since you've just transferred, you will be made to do the same." A cheer came from the class, they loved watching a fight, even if it was completely one sided. "That being said, I already know your strengths and weaknesses. I will not be fighting you." The class then began to boo but quickly shut their mouths when Mihawk glared at them. "I know everyone was excited to watch a fight, so I borrowed a student from another class. This should suffice as entertainment for you all." As if on que, the gym doors opened and a group of students walked in, one of which was Drake. "I only asked for Drake."

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