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How boring.

The thought bubbles in Beni's head as she stared down the Marine instructor in front of her.  She was in the middle of her Royal Families class, everything that was being taught was something she already knew. She already had the faces of every Royal and World Noble memorized. Even if she wasn't going to be a marine, this was basic knowledge to her.  Her parents had drilled the information into her head.  She had spent four years at the Marine Academy and was one of the top students.  It was only a matter of time until Beni lost interest in the Marines. 

Beni had originally joined the academy to learn navy fighting styles and along the way she had met her best friend, Koby.  The two had instantly clicked.  Koby, being an omega, was given his own room, it was a precautionary measure to ensure that he wasn't left vulnerable with any alphas. Beni and Koby constantly acted as if they were mates, even though they weren't. This caused Beni to constantly be harrassed by the other recruits, fearing that their top recruit would be jumped in her sleep, the academy turned a blind eye to the friends sharing a room. Then Koby found his mate, X Drake. Beni had almost killed him when she found out, she managed to hold herself back and agreed to share her friend with him. There was a bit of hostility at first but ultimately the three found a rhythm that worked for them, but then they left.

In their third year, Koby and Drake transferred out of the Marine Academy, leaving Beni alone. She wanted to follow them but she still was in the process of learning the six powers. She couldn't leave until she mastered the six powers, that only took three more months. The months after were spent waiting for the transfer papers to be sent over. The academy kept putting delays on the forms in hopes to convince Beni away from transferring. They didn't want to lose her.

"I'm done." Beni said, she stood from her seat and made her way to the door. Her instructor moved to stand in her way.

"Ms. Benn, where do you think you're going? We still have another thirty minutes of class." He said, clearly annoyed but hesitant to actually reprimanded her.

"Commander Ripper, I said I'm done. I'm leaving." Beni tried to walk past him but he stood his ground. Beni sighed, "It's been five months since I applied for transfer papers, the academy has been dragging their feet on sending my files over. I've been doing a ridiculous amount of waiting, but I'm done now."

"Ms. Benn, you can't just leave in the middle of class without permission. If you're so concerned about your files, you can go to the main office in between classes or at the end of the day."

"Hmm, how annoying." Beni sent a glare towards the commander, "They dragged their feet for too long, I don't care anymore. I'm dropping out."

Beni pushed past the commander and left the classroom. She made her way to the main office, where her mother sat waiting. Beni had messaged her parents about her decision an hour before she acted on her thoughts. The secretaries glanced between the mother and daughter, nervous for how things would play out. Beni's mother greeted her daughter with a hug.

"Beni, dear!" A kiss made its way onto Beni's cheek. "I was wondering how long it would be before you simply decided to drop out. I got here a few minutes ago and sorted everything out." After separating from her daughter, Melanie held up her purse, a folder was sticking out.  "You were so patient with these stubborn mules.  I know you wanted to do this the formal way, a shame they made it difficult.  Let's head out to the car, your father and uncle are waiting.  They already took everything out of your dorm."  Beni smiled at her mother's words.

Without sparing a glance towards the secretaries or the principal who had left his office to watch the pair leave the premises of the school.

"You dragged your feet, Senny.  It was only a matter of time before she used her mother's influence to get her files."  Garp told his longtime friend.  He held out an offering.  "Rice cracker?"

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