Chapter Seventeen: Witches Rage

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I teleported us into the Infirmary, Dr Jensen was waiting in a prepared room.
I'd mind-linked him, thankful he understood who I had with me.
We set the four women in an isolated part of the Infirmary, no one but Alphas or the doctors were to enter.
The medicine that held Gwen in her coma was powerful, I left the Spectres with her.
Other than malnutrition and some neglect, Aria was okay, terrified and hidden herself under Bev's desk, but she accepted a tray of food I brought her and Pam sat watching her while Bev was tending to Gwen.
Valik stopped me as I left the office, on my way to see the woman, setting me with his hard eyes.
I put my hand on his shoulder and sighed, giving him the 'out with it' look.
"What did you bring back?" It was assuring to know he could tell the women weren't humans at least, but the fear in his eyes said he was still worried.
"They're Mother's Sisters." I led him to the window outside their room and pulled the observation blind back with magic.
"Winter, Summer, Autumn and Spring." I gestured to the snow haired girl, the redhead, brunette then the blonde.
"I've never seen them before." Valik breathed.
"One usually takes human form when they're overseeing their season, the rest follow to help protect her as pure magic. Somehow, he trapped them all in their human forms and kept them chained."
Valik had stiffened beside me, anger and rage taking him the same way it had me.
I grabbed his hand, squeezing it.
"I need you to find some friends of mine." He met my eye, ready to do anything I asked.
"Anyone." I put my hand on his shoulder again, smiling.
"You may regret saying that." I chuckled.

I opened a new portal just before two am, Adam and Amelia's scent filling my nose as they entered the office bedroom.
I put my finger to my lips, scowling at them as I held Aria in my lap, her small head pressed into my neck and one of her hands was clutching my sweater.
Bev had determined she was only five years old, Gwen was ten.
I thought they were much older, but the vision I had had of them, wasn't present day.
It was roughly four years into the future, if I hadn't intervened.
I hugged Aria to me, holding back the tears, thinking of the tiny platinum haired girl in my arms trying to make a poison.
Adam slid on to the bed behind me, his hand on my arm and peaking at the small child.
"Is she okay?" Amelia asked from the doorway, she seemed hesitant but I assumed it was more due to her dislike of children.
"She mostly needs food and rest." I whispered softly, trying my best to slowly untangle her fingers from my shirt, but when I finally managed to, she grabbed my hand in both of hers and hugged it to her.
Adam was picking up the snacks and candy wrappers that surrounded me, he held one up with a fatherly look.
"I hope, you didn't give her just candy." He chuckled softly when I gave him a guilty look.
"Bev said if she eats it, give it to her." I countered weakly, he kissed my cheek and discarded the wrappers before expertly taking Aria from me and laying her into her bed.
She opened her eyes, looking up at me as I leaned across to put the wolf toy, John and Valik had given me, under the blanket next to her.
I stopped, waiting for her reaction and watching her with a gentle smile.
"I have to go check on Gwen," I whispered, leaning in and kissing her forehead. She grabbed the wolf toy and pulled it to her chest, hugging it tightly.
Adam gave a soft chuckle that made her piercing blue eyes look up at him, her brows pulled down and a frown on her face.
"This is Adam, he's our..."
"Daddy?" Aria smiled at Adam when I faltered, almost calling him Alpha.
I giggled, noticing Adam's confused expression.
I stroked her cheek.
"He's not mine, but for you, in a way, yes." I tried to explain.
Adam chuckled again, touching my arm to pull me back slightly.
He lowered himself onto his arms beside her, giving her a soft smile.
"My name is Adam, but you can call me Dad if that's easier to say." He wiggled the toy she held, making her clutch it but giggle when he tickled her for a second.
"Yeah," she smiled at him, snatching his finger and then holding out the wolf toy. "I named him Wolfie!" 
We stayed beside her, Adam talking to her quietly until she fell asleep again, finally allowing me to go check on Gwen.
Adam and Amelia followed behind me as I explained what we'd found.
By the time we'd made it to Gwen's room, Amelia was seething, calling for one of her guardsmen, Boris, that was staying in the town.
He was a huge man, with dark skin and a short buzz cut.
He always wore a dark grey suit with a blood red silk shirt underneath.
I got a shiver whenever he was around, but I put that down to who he was to Amelia.
Her personal executioner.
Anyone Amelia didn't see worthy of disposing of herself, Boris would be dispatched to deal with the Queen's orders.
From what I knew, he was amazing at his job, having been beside her for the last hundred years.
She was smart enough to deal with whatever she had planned outside of Gwen's room.
I checked over her charts, seeing all the improvements.
"Is she close?" I asked, looking up at the Spectre beside her.
I'd seen Al, finding he had already forged the Witch Seals I needed, made from Witches Metal, said to be from the birthplace of Witch.
Adam watched, his teeth clenched as he saw me reach towards the shadow.
"Mira?" He demanded an explanation.
"Gwen was put into a coma, Bev can't pull her out without brain damage." I turned to him. "The Spectre's have come to oversee her soul until I arrived, if I can do this, Bev can pull her from the coma safely and I can keep Gwen safe."
He looked at the Spectre for a moment, it shuffled uncomfortably, not use to being seen, let alone glared at.
"You're making him nervous," I scolded. Adam gawked at me.
"Nervous? It's smoke!" Adam gestured at it, making me tilt my head.
"Wait, what do you see?" I asked, looking back at the half formed man beside me, a thick black shadow covered what would be his face and his body was veiled by overlapping swirls of magic and smoke.
"Clearly, not what you see." Adam said, raising a brow at me then chuckling. "As long as he's not for anyone here."
I turned to Adam, shocked.
"He's not that kind of Spectre." I said, blinking.
Adam stuffed his hands into his pockets and shrugged.
"Oh, proceed then." He let the Spectre and I work.
It was hard to explain, but to save her, the Spectre had removed her soul, meaning her mind should be protected when we woke her. To put her soul back, we had to weave it back into her void, reconnecting her to magic, which would fix any damage the coma did.
I placed the Seal over her chest and called in Bev.
She had a needle ready, injecting it into the already set line in Gwen's hand.
She nodded at me and stepped back.
I let Soul-Miranda rise, opening my void as much as possible and held my hand over the Seal.
The Spectre raised his hand over mine, a small orb of dark red hovering between.
We got to work, my hand turning here and there like needlework.
I'd pass it through Gwen's soul, and the Spectre's hand, before diving it back to Gwen's chest, where Soul-Miranda stitched the soul back into place.
"Mummy?" Aria's tiny voice called, she'd snuck into the room, rubbing her tired saphire eyes in a large shirt and Wolfie in her other hand.
"Aria, you can't be here." I looked at Adam for a moment, only to see he and Bev frozen.
I looked at the Spectre, he shuffled slightly.
"You froze time?"
He shuffled again, urging me to get back to work.
"Aria, stay by Daddy and Aunty Bev." I went back to work, seeing Aria reach up and grab Adam's frozen hand and watch.
It felt like hours had passed, I was so exhausted mentally, physically and I was drawing on the last strands of my magic.
The Spectre would move every now and again, his hold on freezing time strong, but I could tell we were running out of it.
I moved quicker, calling on my reserves and ensuring every thread was perfectly attached.
The air moved around me, time unfroze.
"I'm not done!" I screamed, trying to move faster but too scared I'd miss something.
"Aria?" Adam looked down at the small girl who had fallen asleep at his feet. He picked her up, holding her to him and stayed still, unsure what to do.
I could feel his concern through our bond, but his faith in my abilities rang loudly.
"Mira?" Bev went to step forward, the Spectre move, blocking her in a motion to stop.
I was done.
Adam handed Aria to bed, moving fast to catch me as I collapsed backwards in exhaustion.
I could only focus on his eyes, the swirl of brown and gold calling me home.
He swung me into his arms and went to leave, but I grabbed his shirt and tried to point to Gwen, but my arm just swung limp in her direction.
Adam nodded, taking a few steps forward and holding me over Gwen.
The Spectre stayed beside her, moving back and forth in waiting.
"Take. Care?" I managed to rasp out, my throat dry and tight.
The Spectre moved again, hovering over her slightly in agreeance.
I fell asleep.
It was cold and dark.
There was no lights, so I stumbled my way through the pitch black. Seeing nothing, not even my own hands in front of me.
The ground underneath me was damp and soft, like soil.
I walked for hours, going in what I hoped was a straight line but I tripped every now and again, my feet aching and bleeding from rocks and plant roots.
I fell.
Rolling into what felt like a rounded hole.
My hands searched the ground, I groaned in pain and tiredness as I pushed myself back to my feet.
I was so tired.
Something warmed under me, I looked down, seeing the soil below suddenly glow.
The ground moved and shook, something digging its way out.
The feeling that overtook me, I fell to the ground and started to claw at the dirt.
"Mother?" I screamed into the light that erupted from the hole I'd dug, unearthing the top of a white stone.
I dug further and around it, finally pulling out the large stone.
It was an opal egg
I almost dropped it in panic.
It was a dragon egg! A true dragon egg.
It shook in my hand, something inside cracking against the shells trying to get out.
I kneeled down, placing it on my lap and cupped it in my hands, waiting.
I watched it shake and small noises come from within, when it finally broke open an area, I helped pinch and break more until a small opal feathered head leaned out of the egg.
It's eyes were sapphires and it's body and opalescent blue with feathers on its head and wings but scales on its thin, long body.
It crawled out of the egg, using it's taloned claws to climb up my shoulder and snake it's way around my neck under my hair, where it almost blended in perfectly.
I blinked at the small creature.
Dragons were tiny, in their most unsuspecting forms.
If they chose, even as new borns, they could be size of a house.
Usually, that was how they broke out of their eggs, a simple enlargement.
This one was odd though, something about it made me think it wasn't a regular dragon.
I looked at it on my shoulder, it's big eyes on it's small head was adorable.
I sighed.
"Guess Mother thinks I could use alot of help, she's even called in Father." I stood, the dragons body giving off a shine enough to illuminate the barren forest I stumbled through.
"So, which way?" I asked, not sure if the dragon could understand me, but its head weaved and pointed to my left, straightening like an arrow when I turned in the direction. I could see a few more crater holes like the one I'd found the dragon in.
"Alright, let's see who Father called in."
Mother rarely had dealings with Father since the creation of their children.
He ruled a different world.
The world of death and shadows.
Spectre's were his guards, sent out to protect or harvest souls of Mothers children.
If harvested, they would go through the Three Trials.
I wasn't sure what they actually entailed, only those that had truly died every going through such a thing.
But at the end, Father would either send you to Mother, where you would be recycled and reborn or, you were sentenced to banishment within Father's realm, as a shadow being to one day become a new creation.
True dragons, dire beasts, hellfire demons and death.
Father ruled them all.
They were what I found as I dug further into the crater.
They unnerved me, due to their true horrific nature's, but I could feel the need to protect and help.
Protected souls, like mine, belonged to Mother, meaning these creatures would rarely reveal themselves unless called upon by Mother's request.
She only ever called Father when she was truly mad.
His powers and creations were greater than Mother's, more brutal and powerful they could rule over the Clans within months if Father chose, though it was said his love for Mother meant he would never consider such an action, they were his gifts to her and her children, only called upon when Mother asked.
If he was gifting me with his creations, it meant the war had only just begun.
I hoped the six new friends would be enough.
The horizon of the darkness showed me the vision of the near future.
The blood moon high in the air.
I saw the Clans, fighting with an army of Stained.
I could see someone leading them, but I couldn't make out their face.
I screamed as I saw them slice their way through countless Wolves and Vampires, smiling and draining a few as they went.
Hearing my scream, the battle field turned to look at me.
Panic struck me as a familiar set of eyes found mine.
"Acolyte?" I heard their angry snarl, turning to me and dropping the body of Bev they held hatefully in hand.
I stepped back, the dire beasts falling in front of me in a low, snarling crouch.
"You're dead!" I screamed at the woman as she approached, a cruel smile on her face.
"Who do you think gave you to the Grounds?" She raised her hand, ready to blast me with magic, as the beasts around me attacked.
I snapped awake, in bed with Adam next to me.
I sat up, looking around and blinking, trying to remember what happened.
"Luna?" Alpha sat up, wrapping his arms around me protectively and pulled me into his chest.
"I saw who started this war." I whispered, panting and sweating. I was uncomfortable, despite the need to be held, my insides felt like I had an electric spark going through my veins.
I mind-linked Valik, recalling my orders of finding the things I'd felt, he agreed but insisted he still accompany me. I had to refuse.
The sparks connected with four others I could feel around me, like a bond link of emotions.
I squeezed my chest.
I knew now, I had to find them myself and the Seasons would be able to help.
Though horrible, our fates were intertwined by Mother's Rage.
I could feel the hatred we all held, it combined into a solid mass between us.
They shared my vision.
"Luna?" Alpha said a bit harder, getting my attention by pulling my head up to meet his silver eyes.
"A Coven Priestess betrayed us." I snarled. The woman I had seen was a high ranking priestess within my Coven, she had been the one who had raised the alarm of our attack.
It was her all along.
She sold us out and then used the Stain for her own personal gain to power.
It was time to end that rein.
Mother's scream of anger echoed in my head as Alpha kissed me, encouraging and sealing my desires.
"Breed me." I commanded and with a rumbling growl ripping through his chest, Alpha obeyed.
Taking me slowly, but deeply and ensuring he took his time to enjoy a true mating dance.
We enjoyed each other for hours, his primal instinct to claim me in a new way, fueling multiple sessions throughout the night before he finally let me reset, his cock still firmly inside my soaked and filled core.
I smiled as I slept, feeling the Alpha seed coat my womb and Mother's will kept it there, I felt the bloom of magic as I laid in his arms.
Radiating from my stomach, I held my hand again it and soothed it with my own magic.
A pregnant Witch, were some of the most powerful Witches who ever roamed.
A pregnant Witch with an Alpha's child, I could only imagine the power and strength to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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