The Spy

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The Spy is a Percy Jackson fanfic that sets place after Blood of Olympus. This is one of the books I made from before I descoered that what I really wanted to write was heroes and villains not spies and demigods, thus birthing "Its All Lies". Btw, this chapter isn't fully finished sooo..

She was strapped to a chair in a pitch black room. Her hands cut, bruised and bound together with a thick, rough rope. Her ankles were bloody and also tied up by the same rope. Her mouth was covered in duct-tape. She was in a room that had little to no decoration. A little bed-side table with a wrench and a glass of water was all the room around her had. She heard a slight creaking and started to scream at the top of her lungs. She heard little voices but she was just out of ear shot. The voices started to get closer. She could hear 2 female voices and 5 male voices. All sounding either 14, 16, 19 or so? What were a bunch of teenage kids doing walking around a top secret lair? Suddenly, a small sliver of light shone into the room and a shadow appeared in it. It was for-sure a 14 year old male unless the company she was being tortured by had some really short workers. She felt a hand on her shoulder, and her reflexes kicked in. She flipped in her chair and brought it hard down on the person behind her. The chair broke and the person was on the floor at gunpoint in about 5 seconds. He grunted and she moved the gun closer to his head. 6 other people walked in and saw the scene. A 16 year old girl holding a 19 year-old guy at gunpoint. The girl ripped the duct-tape off her mouth. One of them, with very golden blond hair pulled out a sedative. The girl intensively lowered the gun, following her gut instead of her brain. Who was this girl? This was Ivy Solace.

                                                                     Ivy Solace's POV

Why did I lower my gun? I leveled the gun at the golden haired boy, and he slowly set the sedative on the ground. I then leveled my gun at the sedative, not very trusting of anything I didn't make. The black hair, sea green eyed boy started to try to get up but I shoved him back down and set my foot on his chest, digging my heel into it. Not hard enough to break skin but hard enough to send the message of "I'm at the advantage point, and I could easily kill you."

"Stay down till I know you aren't here to capture or kill me." I said. The kids around me looked at me in surprise.

"Why would we try to kill you?" The girl with chocolate brown hair said in a very soothing voice. Something inside me wanted to make friends with this girl. But wait.. No she didn't.

Ivy grabbed her head in frustration. "What are you doing to me," She then asked. Ivy's eyes strayed along the walls till she found something of interest. Something with DNA to bring to her boss 'bout her captures.

"Soooooo, what are you doing in here, tied up to a chair?" A kid with brown eyes asked. He had a toolbelt that was small but I have a feeling that if he needed to there were some weapons in there. Ok so he obviously wasn't the brightest, it's kinda obvious with the cuts, bruises and other injuries that i had, and the bloody wrench sitting on the table. I raised my eyebrows and winced. Ok, that hurts like crap. Note to self - no being sarcastic with my eyebrows. The latino, did i mention the brown eyed kid looks like a latino elf?, Oh, I didn't, well I just did, seemed to get the memo and stepped closer, looking concerned. I dug my heel deeper into the kid under my foot and he yelped. Red started to spread across his shirt. Woops, didn't mean to do that. I set my gun in my holster and walked over to the supply cabinet. I looked back at the group as I was rummaging through the cabinets. Why were they looking at me like that?

"What?" I demanded from the kids.

"What do you mean, 'what'?" The kid who had first walked in asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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